Thursday 15 April 2010

11 Days To Go - Don't Panic Mr Mainwaring

Date & Time : 14/04/10 18:15
Distance : 4.5 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 550.5 miles
Route & Stats : Big Broad

Just a short leg loosener tonight around the Big Broad at Whittlingham Lane.   It was a lovely evening and a delight to run in the late evening sunshine.  I'm pleased to report no knee problems either and I am becoming less and less worried about my knees as each day passes.

However, I am pretty much worrying about everything else as the big day get's ever closer.  I wonder if every marathon first timer goes through this period of self doubt?  Here are just a few of the questions that are constantly going through my mind.  Have I done enough training?  Will I make it to the finish?  Will I make it to the start?  What if I get ill or injured in the next few days?

And the worst thing is from a training point of view I'm past the point where I can do anything about it.  There is no point doing anymore long runs now it won't make any difference, in fact it will be damaging.  The wheels are in motion and cannot be stopped.

However, there are other positive things that can be done. So now I am concentrating on preparing and planning so that nothing is left to chance and that I get to the start line next Sunday without any last minute drama.

Here are a few of the things I am doing,
  • I decided weeks ago exactly what kit I am going to wear on the day - I have two variations depending on the weather, both of which I have practiced in
  • I know exactly what I am going to eat on the morning of the race and I have practiced that too ... many times
  • The night before the race I am eating in Zizzi's - it's been booked for a few weeks, and on Saturday night this week guess where I am going out to dinner?  Yep, Zizzi in Norwich and guess what I am going to eat - exactly the same as the night before the race
  • I am stretching religiously everynight, particularly the backs of my legs - calves and hamstrings
  • I am going to the Expo on the first day it opens next Wednesday to get registration out of the way as soon as I can - one less thing to worry about
  • This Sunday I will get up at exactly the same time as I plan to on the day of the race and go through exactly the same routine as next Sunday (except the Tube journey to the start, I'll have to improvise that)
  • I've started rubbing surgical spirit onto the bottom of my feet to toughen up the skin
  • I've even become an obsessive collector of safety pins - I just can't walk past one without picking it up and putting it in my running kit
You might think that all this is a bit over the top and you'd probably be right, but as I said above I can't do anymore long training runs, but I don't want to have any other excuses for not being as best prepared as I possibly can come 9.45am next Sunday morning when the gun goes.

I will probably look and feel like one of the cast of Dad's Army when I cross the line next Sunday, but all that matters is crossing the line ...... so don't be a stupid boy Pike and don't panic Mr Mainwaring!


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