Friday 23 April 2010

2 Days To Go - Definitely The Last One

Date & Time : 23/04/10 18:00
Distance : 2.5 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 563.5 miles
Route & stats : Home from Work

Just one more run.  Hadn't planned to run this week, apart from Sunday that is, however have been hitting the carbs hard this week and was feeling a little carbo overloaded so decided to run home from work.  Glad I did as it was nice to get the legs turning over again.

I went to the Expo on Wednesday and got my race number and timing chip which all makes it feel so much more real now.

The bags are packed and we're on our way down to London in the morning, then it will be a case of relaxing in the afternoon while Lorraine and the girls go off to the Science Museum and then out for a pasta meal with my fellow Virgin Money runners then hopefully a decent nights sleep before a very early start on Sunday morning.

Final mention in this last blog entry before the race must go to all the friends, family and colleagues that have so generously donated to my fund raising page - at last count the total including gift aid was £1,824 which is just amazing ..... so once again thank you all so much, if you ask nicely I might let you wear my medal for a day.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck mate...we'll be thinking of you. I think you're absolutely mad, but I'm also very impressed!

