Monday 19 April 2010

7 Days To Go - The Last Run

Date & Time : 18/04/10 08:45
Distance : 10.5 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 561 miles
Route & Stats : Big Broad and White Horse Lane

At last the training is finished.  And what a great way to sign off with a run around the Big Broad on a glorious Sunday morning - such a contrast to some of those winter runs in snow, hail, sleet and rain.  Fortunately for me and unfortunately for them Issy and Ellie's hockey tournament was cancelled so I could get out before it got too warm.  Apart from the first mile which was a bit laboured, the run went really well and I was surprised at how quickly the miles ticked by.  I managed a nice steady consistent pace pretty much bang on the pace I hope to complete most of the marathon at - 9m 40s per mile.

I found a marathon pace calculator online, the output of which is below.  So if all goes to plan I will be finishing in 4h 21m 28s on the basis that I run the first 18 miles at 9m 40s and the last 8 miles at 10m 40s per mile.

With regards to setting targets, several experienced marathon runners have told me that it's a really good idea to set yourself some objectives for the race, so here are mine in the order of priority,
  1. get to the start
  2. get to the finish
  3. smile as I cross the finish line (very important for the photo apparently)
  4. run across the finish line
  5. run the the whole race (i.e. don't walk)
  6. finish in less than 5 hours
  7. finish in less than 4.5 hours
  8. finish in less than 4 hours (don't think this is achieveable but got to have a stretch target)
Now if I managed to achieve objectives 1-7 then I would consider that job done and done well.  However, I will be pretty pleased just to complete 1 and 2 to be honest.

One final piece of news to report - virtually all my niggles, particularly my dodgy right knee have all but disappeared, only to be replaced by toothache - come on marathon gods, give me a break!

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