Thursday 31 December 2009

117 Days To Go

Date & Time : 29/12/09 10:00
Distance : 4.5 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 248 miles
Route & Stats: Crown Point Hill, Whittlingham Hall, Big Broad, Home

Just a quick trot/splash around the Big Broad and back. Still finding it difficult to find the time (or energy) for a longer run, but that shouldn't be a problem in the New Year.

Had my mum staying with us for a couple of days, which was great. Went to see the Robin Hood panto at the Theatre Royal in Norwich on Monday and it was really good, well good enough for me to stay awake nearly all the way through.

Tuesday we took the girls to the cinema in the afternoon to see Nativity, which for a family film was excellent and I managed to stay awake through the whole film.

Monday 28 December 2009

120 Days To Go

Date & Time : 26/12/09 10:00
Distance : 4.5 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 243.5 miles
Route & Stats : Crown Point Hill, Whittlingham Hall, Big Broad, Home

Boxing Day morning run - why did I think that would be a good idea? Loads of rich food, champagne, wine, gin, port and about 30 chocolates the day before is not a good recipe for success. What it is a good recipe for is stomach cramps and low levels of energy. Still I managed to get home without the need for a Paula Pitstop and was glad to get another few miles in.

Later I went to Carrow Road to see Norwich beat Millwall 2-0 with a comfortable performance and 2 very good goals. With any luck we might pick up 12 points from 4 games over the holiday period and I think that may well leave in the 2nd automatic promotion place - we dare to dream.

Thursday 24 December 2009

122 Days To Go

Date & Time : 24/12/09 15:00  
Distance : 6 miles  
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 239 miles  
Route & Stats : Brackendale, Carrow Road, Riverside Road, Inner Ring Road, Grapes Hill (ouchy), Home

At last!!! The snow and ice have receeded enough for me to get out for a run. And what a good one it was too, 6 miles of pure running heaven, loved every minute of it, while listening to the appropriately named Blace Ice album by AC/DC (who else!). It's such a relief after 12 days off and wasn't anywhere near as hard as I expected it to be and sets me up a treat for the rest of Christmas Eve and some full on indulgence tomorrow. If all goes well I'll get out again on Boxing Day morning before heading off to Carrow Road.

Thanks to everyone who donated to my page for a chance to win the chocolates, all in all £260 was raised for CLIC Sargent and has really given my page a boost. Well done to Keith Talbot, who much to the delight of Mrs Talbot, walked off with the monster Hotel Chocolat box.

I fulfilled one of my lifetime ambitions last week when I attended a 'pop and rock star' themed fancy dress party, as Angus Young. I wasn't sure if anyone would recognise me, but to my surprise and delight quite a few people did and revealed themselves and closet AC/DC fans - for those about to rock we salute you!

Ok, just time to get showered and then off for my annual visit to church with the family for the Christingle service at St. Andrews in Trowse, it's a nice way celebrate the start of the Christmas festivities and most of the village seems to turn out. I am trying to persuade Mrs W, that a pit stop in the pub on our way home is a good idea.

Merry Xmas to one and all.

Monday 14 December 2009

134 Days To Go

Date & Time : 12/12/09 09:30
Distance : 4 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 233 miles
Route & Stats : Crown Point Hill, Whittlingham Hall, Big Broad, Home

Just a quick one this morning, managed to average under 9 min miles which is good for me. Could only get half way round the broad due to flooding which was a pain.

As expected December is proving tricky, but hope to get a decent long run in next saturday.

Friday 11 December 2009

137 Days To Go

Date & Time : 09/12/09 17:45
Distance : 4.5 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 229 miles
Route : Hall Road, Ipswich Road, Ring Road loop x 2

This was my second training session with Paul Evans and he had us doing interval training. That's running at 90% of your top speed for 1 minute then 40% for 3 or 4 mins, then 90% again for another minute and so on and so forth.

I have to say that even though I was blowing out of my a**e, I did enjoy it and it certainly is a good way to get the heart rate up quickly. Over time the idea is to gradually extend the 'effort' time and reduce the 'recovery' time and your overall speed increases, well that's the theory anyway.

As expected, in December its becoming difficult to stick to a training routine, so I think the best plan is just to keep things ticking over until January. Will try and get in a decent run on Saturday morning and then its the over 40's footie on Sunday.

Monday 7 December 2009

140 Days To Go

Date & Time : 06/12/09 10:00
Distance : 7.5 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 224.5 miles
Route : Discovery House, Hall Road, Marston Lane, Eaton, Round House Way, Colney Lane and back

So the run with the Virgin runners turned out to be the run with the Virgin runner. It was absolutely shocking weather as Michael and I set off from Disco House and by the time we'd reach Eaton we were both soaked to the skin. We covered the first 3 or 4 miles at a brisk (well for me anyway) 8 mins per mile and then I eased off a bit back to 9 min miles and let Michael shoot off at his pace. It was a nice route, fairly flat and not much traffic to worry about. Wouldn't mind trying it again in better weather.

I started to plan my training for the New Year today. I am looking to supplement the normal training runs with a few organised events and here is my starter for 10,

01/01/10 Wymondham 10k
21/02/10 Bungay Black Dog Great East Run 20k
07/03/10 Wymondham 20m (eeek)
21/03/10 Broadland Half Marathon
04/04/10 Trowse 10k

Will also need to fit in a 22 miler somewhere!!!

But not worrying about that yet, just need to get through December by getting 2 or 3 decent runs a week dodging between the parties and the hangovers.

Saturday 5 December 2009

143 Days To Go

Date & Time : 03/12/09 06:15
Distance : 5 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 217 miles
Route : Brackendale, Carrow Road, Riverside, Whitefriars, King Street, Home

First run since the half marathon and not very enjoyable. I had intended to run Wednesday evening but due to work stuff I couldn't so decided on an early morning run instead. Weather cold wet and miserable and my legs felt a bit wooden. But I managed to get round and was glad to get a few miles in anyway.

Planning a longer run on Sunday morning with a few fellow Virgin runners, which I am looking forward to.

Issy's sporting achievements are going from strength to strength, as she won a touch rugby tournament with her school. The comments on her certificate was 'great team play and good positioning'. Lovely.