Thursday 24 December 2009

122 Days To Go

Date & Time : 24/12/09 15:00  
Distance : 6 miles  
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 239 miles  
Route & Stats : Brackendale, Carrow Road, Riverside Road, Inner Ring Road, Grapes Hill (ouchy), Home

At last!!! The snow and ice have receeded enough for me to get out for a run. And what a good one it was too, 6 miles of pure running heaven, loved every minute of it, while listening to the appropriately named Blace Ice album by AC/DC (who else!). It's such a relief after 12 days off and wasn't anywhere near as hard as I expected it to be and sets me up a treat for the rest of Christmas Eve and some full on indulgence tomorrow. If all goes well I'll get out again on Boxing Day morning before heading off to Carrow Road.

Thanks to everyone who donated to my page for a chance to win the chocolates, all in all £260 was raised for CLIC Sargent and has really given my page a boost. Well done to Keith Talbot, who much to the delight of Mrs Talbot, walked off with the monster Hotel Chocolat box.

I fulfilled one of my lifetime ambitions last week when I attended a 'pop and rock star' themed fancy dress party, as Angus Young. I wasn't sure if anyone would recognise me, but to my surprise and delight quite a few people did and revealed themselves and closet AC/DC fans - for those about to rock we salute you!

Ok, just time to get showered and then off for my annual visit to church with the family for the Christingle service at St. Andrews in Trowse, it's a nice way celebrate the start of the Christmas festivities and most of the village seems to turn out. I am trying to persuade Mrs W, that a pit stop in the pub on our way home is a good idea.

Merry Xmas to one and all.

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