Thursday 31 December 2009

117 Days To Go

Date & Time : 29/12/09 10:00
Distance : 4.5 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 248 miles
Route & Stats: Crown Point Hill, Whittlingham Hall, Big Broad, Home

Just a quick trot/splash around the Big Broad and back. Still finding it difficult to find the time (or energy) for a longer run, but that shouldn't be a problem in the New Year.

Had my mum staying with us for a couple of days, which was great. Went to see the Robin Hood panto at the Theatre Royal in Norwich on Monday and it was really good, well good enough for me to stay awake nearly all the way through.

Tuesday we took the girls to the cinema in the afternoon to see Nativity, which for a family film was excellent and I managed to stay awake through the whole film.

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