Saturday 2 January 2010

113 Days To Go

Date & Time : 02/01/10 15:00
Distance : 9.5 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 257.5 miles
Route & Stats : Brackendale, Queens Road, Earlham Road, Bluebell Road, Marston Lane, Hall Road, Ring Road, Home

Enjoyed this one, nice steady pace, good distance, cold but bearable weather. My hamstrings were a bit sore from DIY on Thursday, but once I got going they loosened up and and weren't an issue.

Yes I did say DIY, I was replacing some cracked and loose tiles on my kitchen floor and all the bending up and down, crouching etc really took it's toll on my hamstrings. I should have remembered to warm up as the same thing happened when I laminated the floor in my study.

As I predicted a week ago, Norwich have finished the holiday period in 2nd place, after beating Wycombe 1-0 today. I was listening to the game as I ran and it sounds like we absolutely battered them and it was a great relief when we eventually scored on 77 minutes. I was on the Ring Road by then and must have looked a bit odd as I was punching the air and jumping up and down all on my and in full view of the traffic.

Happy New Year to anyone who happens to read this drivel :)

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