Wednesday 20 January 2010

95 Days To Go - That's The Way To Do It

Date & Time : 20/01/10 19:30
Distance : 5.5 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 306.5 miles
Route & Stats : Inner Ring Road

Just a quick canter round the Inner Ring Road at a consistent 8.5 mins per mile.  Felt good all the way and this was probably my best run this year so far.

This sets me up nicely for my long run this weekend, which might have to be on Friday night due to other commitments at the weekend, but that's OK, I quite like night running, it seems to suit me.  Hoping to do 14 miles.

The other thing I need to sort out is another pair of trainers as I will have worn out my current pair by the time I get to the marathon and therefore need to break in a new pair in plenty of time.  They, the experts that is, reckon you should change your shoes every 500 miles, which is moreorless where I think I will be by the time the big day comes around.

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