Wednesday 20 January 2010

98 Days To Go - Thankyou Waitrose

Date & Time : 17/01/10 10:00
Distance : 12.5 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 301 miles
Route & Stats : Colney Lane & Back

That's the 300 hundred miles up, and through the 100 days to go barrier.  Seems like I'm marking off some sort of milestone every week at the moment.  My first post back in September was called 208 Days To Go, which means I am more than half way through my training programme, which is a very scary thought.   That said, having reflected on what I used to be able to achieve then compared to now, the progression is very encouraging.  I struggled to get round 4 miles at 11 mins per mile then and now I have completed a half marathon at 9 mins per mile and can get round 6 miles at 8.5 min miles without too much trouble.

I was pleased with this run, although it was fairly slow, it was a good marker to lay down.  Physically it was OK, although I did start to cramp in my right calf a little bit in the last couple of miles, but considering I had run 7.5 miles a couple of days earlier then it wasn't unexpected.

The only other issue I had was solved by an emergency stop at Waitrose.  I think I owe them a big shop for dive bombing cubical two in the mens toilet, however my need was great and my options were limited.

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