Sunday 24 January 2010

93 Days To Go - What Was I Thinking, Stupid Boy

Date & Time : 22/01/10 19:30
Distance : 14 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 320.5 miles
Route & Stats : Inner Ring Road, Out To UEA, Bluebell Road, Zigzag Back

Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow....this one really hurt.  First 11 miles went well, then boom, the wheels came off.   No energy, legs like lead, calves on fire, ankles raw.   It was also pouring with rain and I was soaked through.   What this proves more than anything is that I must prepare better for my long runs and nipping out on a Friday night having not eaten for several hours is not going to work.

My friend Matt had kindly given me a 'Go Gel' isotonic carbohydrate energy gel sachet to try out, which I stupidly forgot to take with me .... boy I could have really done with that as I turned to go out on Newmarket Road.

That all said, I could have shortened my route and didn't, and I did complete 14 miles, even though the last couple were a combination of jogging, stretching, cursing and walking.   The other quite pleasing thing is that my recovery period from these long runs is good and after 1 day of rest I'm ready to go again.

Anyway lesson learnt, and I am already looking to the next long(ish) one, which will be the Reedham 10m race next Sunday.   After that I plan to push on with my target of 18 miles by the end of February .... gulp.

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