Wednesday 27 January 2010

88 Days To Go - Running On Empty

Date & Time : 27/01/10 19:30
Distance : 5.5 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 326 miles
Route & Stats : Inner Ring Road

Didn't really enjoy this one.  Tried to complete my 'Tempo' run.  I know what it's called now after attending an interesting marathon training workshop tonight with Paul Evans.  Tempo, means running for a sustained period at approximately 80% of flat out.   I managed to do this ok for about 3.5 miles, but then needed to take a break. After that I completed the run at a decent but slower pace.  I seem to be short on energy at the moment which might be because I'm still recovering from by long run on Friday, football on Sunday and an hour on the cross trainer last night.  So, for the rest of this week I'm going to take it easy and rest up in preparation for the 10m race on Sunday.

Well done to Norwich last night for a great win away at Walsall coming back from 1-0 down to win 2-1, with the added bonus that Dirty Leeds lost 3-0 at in form Swindon.   I've got a pass for Saturday and am looking forward to a visit to Carra Rud.   My prediction is that by 5 o'clock we will be 6 points clear of Dirty Leeds as they have a tough game against Colchester and then it will be a straight race to the finish.

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