Wednesday 13 January 2010

102 Days To Go - Treadmill Hell

Date & Time : 13/01/10 19:30
Distance : 7 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 281 miles
Route : Harpers Gym Treadmill

The weather continues to disrupt my training plans, so it was the gym again for me tonight.  7 miles on the treadmill at 8min 45secs per mile is pretty good for me and was a good workout leaving me sweating like Jill Dando trying to get her front door key in.

The weather has also meant this weekends training camp that I mentioned in my last post has been rescheduled until 30/01, which is disappointing but gives me the opportunity to go out and get another long run in, I'll be aiming at 12 miles.

I've entered a couple races this week.  The Reedham 10m on 31/01 and the Wymondham 20m on 07/03.  The Reedham 10m will be fun and I am looking forward to it, the Wymondham 20m scares the hell out of me, but it has to be done.  If I can get 20miles in 7 weeks ahead of the marathon it will be a good place to be.

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