Sunday 31 January 2010

84 Days To Go - Offroading On The Marriotts Way

Date & Time : 31/01/10 10:00
Distance : 14.5 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 340.5 miles
Route & Stats : Drayton and Back, via Marriotts Way

This was more like it, 14.5 miles and it hurt a bit, but nothing like the run I did last Friday.  I was supposed to be running in the Reedham 10m race today but the weather put paid to that, so I decided to get another long run in, only this time I was going to prepare properly.

The preparation certainly helped and I remembered to take my 'Go Gel' with me this time.  I still found it tough going towards the end, but then I suppose that is what training runs are all about.  The route was good and I particularly liked running up the Marriotts Way and it was nice to run off road for a change.   With snow on the ground some of the scenery was beautiful.

Looking ahead to next weekend, I will be aiming for 16 miles, and will probably stay local and do a few laps around Whittlingham Hall and The Big Broad.  The good thing about that is that I'm never more than a few minutes away from a toilet which is becoming an issue on these long runs.  This weeks thanks go to Chapplefield shopping centre for my emergency stop, fortunately there weren't too many shoppers around.

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