Friday 5 February 2010

81 Days To Go - Under 9m Miles

Date & Time : 03/02/10 20:00
Distance : 4 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 344.5 miles
Route & Stats : Chapplefied Gardens and Back

I so did not want to go for a run tonight as anyone reading my facebook status would have seen.  However, after a few friends replied telling me to get my arse in gear, I managed to find the energy to get my trainers on and get out there into the freezing cold rain.

And guess what .... I had one of my best runs of the year.  It was only 4 miles, but I decided to get my head down and put in some effort and ended up completing the run at an average of 8 mins 41 secs per mile which considering there is at least a mile of up hill running I was really pleased.

By the next post I will have, hopefully got 16 miles under my belt which I am actually looking forward to.  Famous last words!

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