Saturday 6 February 2010

78 Days To Go - Blue Sky & Coffee

Date & Time : 06/02/10 09:00
Distance : 16.5 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 361 miles
Route & Stats : Local Loops & Big Broad x 2

I've decided that Saturday mornings is definitely the best time for the weekend long run - get it done and out of the way as soon as possible, because the feeling I have now as I write this update with a nice fresh coffee in my hand, is just great, in the knowledge that my work is done for this weekend.  

This was a good run, and easily the best long run I've done so far.  The pace was decent and consistent from the start to the end, no real physical problems, apart from sore ankles for the last mile or so, and mentally not an issue. The time seemed to pass quite quickly even though I was on my feet for close to 3 hours.   I'm listening to Dan Browns, new novel The Lost Symbol on my iPhone which is really helping me take my mind off the running.

The other great thing about today was the weather.  A really lovely spring day, clear blue skys, light frost, no wind - just about the perfect conditions for marathon training I would imagine.  It's also the first time I have been able to get my legs out and wear shorts for many weeks, although I did keep the gloves and beeny on.

This weeks thanks go to the Trowse Ski Club for accommodating my emergency stop, you will never know how grateful I am!

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