Saturday 27 February 2010

57 Days To Go - Confidence Restored

Date & Time : 27/02/10 09:15
Distance : 14 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 421.5 miles
Route & Stats : Outer Ring Road

Was really hoping for a nice steady incident and injury free run this morning and that is exactly what I got, much to my relief and no ankle pain at all.  Phew.  I had orginally planned 19 miles today, but considering the problems I have had in the last couple of weeks and after advice from a colleague that I need to keep something in the tank for the Wymnondham 20m next weekend, I decided to cut it back to 14 miles.   Considering 14 miles as a short run is testimony to how far I have come in the last few months.

This run has given me the confidence boost that I needed and now I am looking forward to next Sunday.  I had been thinking about pulling out of the race, but now am determined to take part even if I am the last to cross the line.  As I have said before achieving 20 miles 7 weeks before the marathon is a good place to be and will in itself give me the confidence that I have a marathon in me.  From then onwards I think it will be one more 20 miler, probably at Easter and then I can start the taper towards the end of April and cut down the distances each week.

People tell me the that the elation they feel when they cross the line having completed the London Marathon is not just about the fact that they have finished the race, it's as much about knowing that you don't have to do anymore training and that you can have your life back again.  Training for a marathon is not a hobby, it's a lifestyle.

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