Thursday 4 March 2010

53 Days To Go - Up Hill Struggle

Date & Time : 03/03/10 19:15
Distance : 4.5 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 446 miles
Route & Stats : Chapplefield and Back (plus a loop round Carrow Hill)

Decent short run tonight, felt good, didn't want to go too far as have half an eye on the 20m race in Wymondham on Sunday.  Bumped into a fellow Virgin London Marathon runner, Susanna, from work going up Brackendale.  She was doing some hill training using Carrow Hill, so I decided to join her for a loop round.  Blimey, that was hard work - I was knackered after just one lap.  Susanna had done eight or nine, RESPECT!

I've settled into a weekly training programme that is basically as follows,

Mon - rest
Tue - 1 hour cross training
Wed - 1 hour running
Thu - 1 hour cross training
Fri - rest
Sat - 3 hours (or more) long run
Sun - rest

I'll continue this throughout March getting at least two 20 mile runs in and then start tapering in April.   I'm sure some people will look at this and think it is not enough, but don't forget my race objectives are quite straightforward - a) finish on my own two feet in somewhere between 4 and 5 hours and b) maintain control of my bowels during that 4 or 5 hours - simples!

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