Sunday 28 March 2010

28 Days To Go - Wherrymans Way Cross Country

Date & Time : 28/03/10 15:00
Distance : 15 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 515 miles
Route & Stats : Wherrymans Way

Didn't really enjoy this route.  I started out from Whittlingham and then followed the Wherrymans Way to Surlingham and then back again.  There was too much uneven ground along the river that meant I really had to concentrate on not turning my ankle which was quite mentally tiring and meant I couldn't really get a decent rythym going.   There were some lovely views and on another occassion the fact that the route takes in The Woods Ends at Brammerton, The Ferry Inn and Coldham Hall in Surlingham it could be a nice way to take in a summer evening run.

I had intended to run a bit further, however was quite tired after the cross country running so decided call it a day at 15 miles.  I had been for a 4 or 5 mile walk with the family in the morning I think that took something out of the legs as well.

So the plan is for one more long run - need to do at least 20 miles - on Good Friday morning.  I'd originally planned to do the Wherrymans Way again but I think the risk of injury is too high so will find a route that stays on flat surfaces.  Apparently the route for the London Marathon is one of the flattest of all the marathons - let's hope they aint lying!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jem, tried Marriots Way? The old railway line converted to a foot/cycle path? No big hills on that one and the nettles aren't encroaching yet! (apologies if you have already mentioned it on an earlier post). Gary Reed
