Thursday 18 March 2010

39 Days To Go - I Want To Drink Guinness

Date & Time : 17/03/10 19:45
Distance : 6 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 481 miles
Route & Stats : Inner Ring Road

I saw a few people out and about tonight wearing those St. Patricks Day Irish top hats that Guinness provide. I must admit that I was very jealous of the fact that they were probably on their way to the pub to consume a few nice cold pints of the black stuff as I struggled along trying to keep my pace below 9 min miles. I want to drink Guinness, not worry about sore achilles tendons or my minutes per mile.

The funny thing is, when I was running the Wymondham 20m a couple of weeks ago, after about 15 miles I started to get think about how much I would like to down a pint of Guinness right there and then.  This also crossed my mind again last week while I was watching the Eddie Izzard marathon man documentary when he stopped at a pub half way through one of his 42 marathons and downed a shot of Vodka.  Maybe I should give it a try, I know there are lots of pubs along the route of the London marathon, just need someone on or around Tower Bridge to have one ready for me.  Might have to do some research on the subject.

The run itself was OK, I thought I was running quite fast (for me) and then was disappointed to find out that I was only just under 9 mins per mile, when I thought I was nearer 8m 30s, which is what I am hoping to do for the Broadland Half Marathon on Sunday.  Although, if my achilles tendon is still playing up then that might be a bridge too far, although I am determined to get under 2 hours.

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