Sunday 14 March 2010

43 Days To Go - Tendon Trouble

Date & Time : 13/03/10 14:45
Distance : 9 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 475 miles
Route & Stats : Whittlingham & Big Broad Loops

After last weeks 20m high this was a 9m low. A very disappointing run.  I had planned to run at least 13 miles and hoped for more like 16.  However, after only 3 or 4 miles my achilles tendons started to get quite sore. I carried on for another lap hoping that they would loosen up a bit, but they just got worse, so as the experts would say, I "listened to my body" and decided to cut the run short to reduce the risk of doing any further damage.  Perhaps I'm still not fully recovered from the exersions of last Sundays 20 miler.

As I sit here writing this blog entry 24 hours later, I am pleased to say that the soreness has reduced considerably.  I will take it easy this week with a couple of light jogs and lots of stretching and hopefully I'll be OK for the Broadland Half Marathon on Sunday 21/03.

It's only 6 weeks until the marathon and I feel like I am pretty much ready for it, just need to do everything I can to avoid injury from here on in.   Got one more 20m run planned sometime over Easter that will give me a full 3 weeks to fully recover before the big day.

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