Friday 26 March 2010

32 Days To Go - 500 Miles To Proclaim

Date & Time : 24/03/10 18:00
Distance : 6 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 500 miles
Route & Stats : Whittlingham Hall & Through The City

I ran 6 miles tonight.  Not because I wanted to, but because I needed to.   6 miles took me to 500 miles since I start training in September - FIVE HUNDRED MILES!!!

It was probably 6 of  the worst miles of the 500.   No energy, sore ankles, heavy legs.  In fact at one point I actually felt quite sick.  After the high of last Sundays half marathon, this most certainly was a low.   However, my experience now tells me that this is OK, it happens, don't get down about it.  So I haven't and I won't.  I think last Sunday took it out of me and I am still recovering. 

It's only 4 and a bit weeks to the marathon and I know I can do it.  So whatever happens between now and then is not an issue.  If I run well great, if I don't no bother.  I will complete 26.2 miles.

Anyway 500 miles, that is the point of this posting.  I have worn out one pair of running shoes and have already broken in the next pair - the same make and model only half a size bigger which feels more comfortable - apparently your feet swell quite a lot when running a marathon!

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