Friday 19 February 2010

67 Days To Go - You Can't Make Me Do It

Date & Time : 17/02/10 21:15
Distance : 5.5 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 384.5 miles
Route & Stats : Inner Ring Road

Really didn't want to run tonight.  Didn't get home from work until 7.15pm, then needed to eat, then needed allow time to digest the food.  By then it was 8.30pm.  I really really didn't want to run.  I got changed, had a headache, it was literally freezing outside.  I DON'T WANT TO GO RUNNING, was all I could think about.

In the end I forced myself out the door by 9.15pm.  I was angry.  In fact so angry that I ran at 8 min miles for the first 2 miles just to spite myself and this whole bloody marathon training.  Then I realised I was knackered and completed the rest at a more comfortable pace of 9 min miles, which is still 1 min per mile quicker than my target marathon pace.

Having finished this run I was pleased for 2 reasons.  First because I had overcome the urge to not bother and secondly because I had no issues with my right ankle which was quite sore Mon and Tue, but thanks to a sports massage and tight ankle support was alright.

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