Monday 11 January 2010

106 Days To Go

Date & Time : 09/01/10 14:30
Distance : 9.5 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 274 miles
Route & Stats: Whittlingham Hall, Big Broad, Whittlingham Lane, Past The Sewage Works (yuck), Kirby Road, Whittlingham Hall, Whittlingham Lane, Home

Another decent run under my belt. I decided that inspite of the weather I would just get out there and get the job done.  For most of the run I was running on compacted snow which was quite tricky and hard work.  The Big Broad looked amazing though and was virtually frozen solid.  The air was fresh, however the wind was sharp and in the exposed areas, particularly up by the sewage works it took my breath away.

One thing I have really come to enjoy is listening to Norwich games on Radio Norfolk while running, and this was no expection, with Norwich cruising to a 3-1 victory over Exeter.  In fact I think this was far more preferable that actually being at the game and freezing my arse off, as my mum, sister and her family will tell you.

Need to start increasing the distances of my long runs from here onwards and I am really looking forward to the training camp this weekend at Dorney Lake with Liz and Martin Yelling, that Virgin Money has organised for the Virgin 500 team which is 500 runners made of staff, customers, competition winners and other Virgin group employees.

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