Monday 7 December 2009

140 Days To Go

Date & Time : 06/12/09 10:00
Distance : 7.5 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 224.5 miles
Route : Discovery House, Hall Road, Marston Lane, Eaton, Round House Way, Colney Lane and back

So the run with the Virgin runners turned out to be the run with the Virgin runner. It was absolutely shocking weather as Michael and I set off from Disco House and by the time we'd reach Eaton we were both soaked to the skin. We covered the first 3 or 4 miles at a brisk (well for me anyway) 8 mins per mile and then I eased off a bit back to 9 min miles and let Michael shoot off at his pace. It was a nice route, fairly flat and not much traffic to worry about. Wouldn't mind trying it again in better weather.

I started to plan my training for the New Year today. I am looking to supplement the normal training runs with a few organised events and here is my starter for 10,

01/01/10 Wymondham 10k
21/02/10 Bungay Black Dog Great East Run 20k
07/03/10 Wymondham 20m (eeek)
21/03/10 Broadland Half Marathon
04/04/10 Trowse 10k

Will also need to fit in a 22 miler somewhere!!!

But not worrying about that yet, just need to get through December by getting 2 or 3 decent runs a week dodging between the parties and the hangovers.

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