Saturday 27 February 2010

57 Days To Go - Confidence Restored

Date & Time : 27/02/10 09:15
Distance : 14 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 421.5 miles
Route & Stats : Outer Ring Road

Was really hoping for a nice steady incident and injury free run this morning and that is exactly what I got, much to my relief and no ankle pain at all.  Phew.  I had orginally planned 19 miles today, but considering the problems I have had in the last couple of weeks and after advice from a colleague that I need to keep something in the tank for the Wymnondham 20m next weekend, I decided to cut it back to 14 miles.   Considering 14 miles as a short run is testimony to how far I have come in the last few months.

This run has given me the confidence boost that I needed and now I am looking forward to next Sunday.  I had been thinking about pulling out of the race, but now am determined to take part even if I am the last to cross the line.  As I have said before achieving 20 miles 7 weeks before the marathon is a good place to be and will in itself give me the confidence that I have a marathon in me.  From then onwards I think it will be one more 20 miler, probably at Easter and then I can start the taper towards the end of April and cut down the distances each week.

People tell me the that the elation they feel when they cross the line having completed the London Marathon is not just about the fact that they have finished the race, it's as much about knowing that you don't have to do anymore training and that you can have your life back again.  Training for a marathon is not a hobby, it's a lifestyle.

60 Days To Go - No More Strapping

Date & Time : 24/02/10 19:00
Distance : 6 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 407.5 miles
Route & Stats : Inner Ring Road

Really crappy run tonight.  No energy, wooden legs, so just kept it slow and steady.  I had my ankles heavily strapped but it didn't do much good, in fact the one on my troublesome left ankle made things worse and I ended up with bruising on the arch of my foot and chaving at the top of the ankle.  No more straps for me.

Will now rest up for a couple of days and try and get a decent run in at the weekend.

Monday 22 February 2010

63 Days To Go - Bungay Wet Dog

Date & Time : 21/02/10 11:00
Distance : 12.5 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 401.5 miles
Route : Bungay 20k 

I was soaked to the skin and freezing cold, my legs felt heavy, I was disorientated and light headed - then I bumped into a friendly face and he pointed me in the direction of the start.  Two minutes later and we were off heading out into the Suffolk countryside.

I didn't think the weather could get any worse - ha, that was a joke.   The persistent rain turned into driving rain, the driving rain turned into hail, the hail turned into sleet and then the sleet turned to snow.  This pattern then repeated itself for the next 2 hours with the wind gradually picking up as the temperature dropped.

Things got quite rough at about 7 miles - the road was on a steady incline for a mile or so, the wind and sleet were blowing straight into my face, my ankles had started to get quite sore and my fingers were frozen numb and I thought "what the hell am I doing here? Is doing the marathon really worth this?".

Anyway I got my head down and drove on.  The next turn took us out of the wind and things started to feel better.  The last few miles were OK, except the last 400m which was a ridiculous steep uphill climb to the finish.  Crossing the finish line in any race is a great feeling, but this one felt particularly good, especially after I discovered the free tomato soup.

Despite the attrocious conditions, very sore ankles and the fact that I was still cold for hours later, I enjoyed the event and was fairly pleased with the time of 1h 51m which worked out at 8m 55s per mile which is the quickest race I have run to date.

I also enjoyed the complementary bottle of Adnams Explorer, courtesy of the event sponsor, highly recommended.

64 Days To Go - Boys Like Chipmucks Too

Date & Time : 20/02/09 11:00
Distance : 4.5 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 389 miles
Route : Round The Big Broad

Just a quick leg loosener around my favourite running route in preparation for the Bungay 20k race tomorrow.

Norwich are playing at home this afternoon and the girls and I will be heading out at about 2pm so that we can get there in plenty of time - not to the football, but to the cinema near the football to watch Alvin and The Chipmunks 2 - The Squeakquel!! People often ask me if I wish I had sons instead of daughters which of course is a ridiculous thing to say to any parent - boys like chipmunk films too you know.

Anyway Norwich lost 2-0 at home to Southampton, only their 2nd home defeat all season - I listened to every second on the radio, while munching through a big cartoon of popcorn.  Apparently the film was quite good too.

Friday 19 February 2010

67 Days To Go - You Can't Make Me Do It

Date & Time : 17/02/10 21:15
Distance : 5.5 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 384.5 miles
Route & Stats : Inner Ring Road

Really didn't want to run tonight.  Didn't get home from work until 7.15pm, then needed to eat, then needed allow time to digest the food.  By then it was 8.30pm.  I really really didn't want to run.  I got changed, had a headache, it was literally freezing outside.  I DON'T WANT TO GO RUNNING, was all I could think about.

In the end I forced myself out the door by 9.15pm.  I was angry.  In fact so angry that I ran at 8 min miles for the first 2 miles just to spite myself and this whole bloody marathon training.  Then I realised I was knackered and completed the rest at a more comfortable pace of 9 min miles, which is still 1 min per mile quicker than my target marathon pace.

Having finished this run I was pleased for 2 reasons.  First because I had overcome the urge to not bother and secondly because I had no issues with my right ankle which was quite sore Mon and Tue, but thanks to a sports massage and tight ankle support was alright.

Saturday 13 February 2010

71 Days To Go - Mind Games

Date & Time : 13/10/09 09:15
Distance : 18 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 379 miles
Route & Stats: Ring Road & Colney Loop

The link above shows 16.5 miles, it was 18, I managed to accidently switch my garmin off for a mile or so much to my annoyance - so here is the proof it was 18.   It certainly felt like 18, but actually wasn't too bad.   My right ankle got quite sore towards the end and the steep up hill bit at the end of Marsden Lane at about 15 miles was just a physical impossibility to run up.

I think the biggest challenge with these long runs is the mental battle.   You have to find a way to get into the zone, find a rythym where you're not constantly thinking about how far you've gone and how far there is left to go.  If you're not in the zone, every mile can seem like it takes forever, whereas when you're tuned in and running with a nice steady rythym then 3 or 4 miles can slip by without you even noticing.

Today's run was definitely a run of 3 stages.  The first 6 miles weren't a problem at all.  The middle 6 were a bit of a struggle and then the last 6 were OK.  Again I think this is all about the psychology.  After 6 miles I was thinking that there was still 3 miles to go until I was halfway, and then at 9 miles I felt rough and was thinking that there was another 9 miles to go which is mentally tough to deal with. But once I got past 12 miles, I started to feel much better knowing that I was turning for home and the last couple of miles were actually good and I felt quite strong, apart from my sore ankle, which actually felt worse while I was walking than when I was running.   

It's the Great East Run 20K next Sunday in Bungay which I am looking forward to, so will try and get a couple of decent runs in during the week in preparation for that.

Saturday 6 February 2010

78 Days To Go - Blue Sky & Coffee

Date & Time : 06/02/10 09:00
Distance : 16.5 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 361 miles
Route & Stats : Local Loops & Big Broad x 2

I've decided that Saturday mornings is definitely the best time for the weekend long run - get it done and out of the way as soon as possible, because the feeling I have now as I write this update with a nice fresh coffee in my hand, is just great, in the knowledge that my work is done for this weekend.  

This was a good run, and easily the best long run I've done so far.  The pace was decent and consistent from the start to the end, no real physical problems, apart from sore ankles for the last mile or so, and mentally not an issue. The time seemed to pass quite quickly even though I was on my feet for close to 3 hours.   I'm listening to Dan Browns, new novel The Lost Symbol on my iPhone which is really helping me take my mind off the running.

The other great thing about today was the weather.  A really lovely spring day, clear blue skys, light frost, no wind - just about the perfect conditions for marathon training I would imagine.  It's also the first time I have been able to get my legs out and wear shorts for many weeks, although I did keep the gloves and beeny on.

This weeks thanks go to the Trowse Ski Club for accommodating my emergency stop, you will never know how grateful I am!

Friday 5 February 2010

81 Days To Go - Under 9m Miles

Date & Time : 03/02/10 20:00
Distance : 4 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 344.5 miles
Route & Stats : Chapplefied Gardens and Back

I so did not want to go for a run tonight as anyone reading my facebook status would have seen.  However, after a few friends replied telling me to get my arse in gear, I managed to find the energy to get my trainers on and get out there into the freezing cold rain.

And guess what .... I had one of my best runs of the year.  It was only 4 miles, but I decided to get my head down and put in some effort and ended up completing the run at an average of 8 mins 41 secs per mile which considering there is at least a mile of up hill running I was really pleased.

By the next post I will have, hopefully got 16 miles under my belt which I am actually looking forward to.  Famous last words!