Tuesday 17 November 2009

159 Days To Go

Date & Time : 17/11/09 19:45
Distance : 7.5 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 179 miles
Route : Brackendale, Carrow Road, Riverside Road, Inner Ring Road, Grapes Hill (ouchy), Unthank Road, Outer Ring Road, Home

Felt really up for this one tonight and literally bound around the 7.5 miles feeling strong all the way from start to finish. Really starting to convince myself that sub 2 hours might be possible for the half marathon a week on Sunday, however I will need to be on top form for that and injury free of course.

I've been asked to play in a work 5-a-side tournament 2 days after the half marathon which will either be a great way to run the stiffness out of my legs or a bloody disaster. The team I am playing in is a mixture of experience and ..... um, errrr even more experience, with Ron The Cat Black in goal, Shutout Arnold and Chris No-Nonsense Holliday in defence with myself and Kev Cantona Parsons making up the numbers. In honour of Ron's hirsuteness and Kev P's passion for Man Utd, we've adopted the team name of Man Chest Hair United - genius.

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