Monday 2 November 2009

174 Days To Go

Date & Time : 02/11/09 21:30
Distance : 4 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 130.5 miles
Route : Brackendale, Ber Street, Chapplefield, Queens Road, Home

Just a short one tonight, tried to push on a bit to work on my pace and it felt great. Averaged just over 9 minute miles, not bad considering there is several climbs on this route. I like the fact that 4 miles feels like a short run now.

The only problem running at this time of night is that you don't get tired and end up staying up watching The Apprentice USA until 1am. Donald Trump has got nothing on Sir Alan, and as for the US version of Nick and Margaret - not even in the same league.

I entered the Norwich Half Marathon tonight so all my training will now be focusing towards the 29/11. Really looking forward to it, just hope I don't pick up any niggles between now and then.

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