Sunday 15 November 2009

161 Days To Go

Date & Time : 15/11/09 14:15
Distance : 9 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 171.5 miles
Route : Brackendale, Queens Road, Earlham Road, Bluebell Road, Eaton Golf Course, Hall Road, Sandy Lane, White Horse Road, Home

This afternoon was a real triumph of mind over body. Having had a great night out with friends last night at Pinnochios I was feeling less than enthusiastic at the prospect of pulling on my trainers and getting out their on the streets.

With the two older girls happily playing in their bedroom and Imogen having her afternoon sleep it was all setup for me to hit the sofa and have a nice afternoon snooze. We'd already been out for a family walk around the broad this morning so I could have easily have given myself the afternoon off.

But giving myself the afternoon off is not going to get me round 26.2 miles on 25th April, so out came the lycra, on went the anti-chaffing cream and trainers and 1 hour and 30 mins later I had a pretty good 9 miles under my belt.

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