Saturday 7 November 2009

169 Days To Go

Date & Time : 07/11/09 09:00
Distance : 9 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 148.5 miles
Route : Crown Point Hill, Whittlingham Hall, Big Broad x 2

Nice run this morning, very good first lap (4.5 miles) slightly tougher second lap. Feeling comfortable at this distance now. No real aches or pains, although the beginnings of a beauty of a blister on my left foot.

I entered the Norwich half marathon this week which is on 29/11/09 so will focus my training on that for now, I'd like to break 2 hours but will need to be at my best to achieve that. The last and only time I ran it was 10 years ago just after Isobel had been born and would have broken 2 hours then if it wasn't for that damn hill at the end. I believe they have changed the course now so that the hill is no longer part of the race - I hope that is true.

Going to enjoy the rest of the day, Norwich are on the telly at lunch time in the first round of the FA Cup against non-league Paulton, surely we can't mess that up, can we?

Then we've got friends round later for fireworks, hot dogs and a couple of beers (or mulled wine) and finally I'll settle down to watch the heavyweight world boxing fight David Haye v Nikolai Valuev - have you seen him, he's a monster. Come on 'The Haymaker'.

Remember folks - never return to a lit firework, especially if you got them from Homebase on 'buy one get one free offer'.

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