Wednesday 25 November 2009

151 Days To Go

Date & Time : 25/11/09 18:00
Distance : 7 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 196 miles
Route : Hall Road, Ipswich Road, Ring Road loop x 3

I joined the Virgin Runners for the first time tonight which was really good. We were joined by local running legend Paul Evans who is going to coach and advise us for a few weeks. It was a good run and just what I needed to get the stiffness out of my legs after my 10 miler on Friday and playing footie on Sunday. I'm pretty much all set for the Norwich half marathon on Sunday, although a short leg loosener on Friday or Saturday might be a good idea.

Sunday turned out to be a really interesting day. Got up very early to take Issy to her first ever Hockey tournament at Harlesden Hockey Club. It was her team's (Norwich Dragons U11's) first ever tournament and bless them they tried hard without much success. By the time I had to leave they had played 7 of their 9 games and a nil nil draw was the best result by a long way. However, they battled hard and seemed to be enjoying themselves, despite the foul weather. When I got home later that evening, Issy came running out to the car "Daddy we won a game", I was so pleased for her, made me feel very proud, then she said "the other team were really bad!", which made me smile as I gave her a big hug.

I went straight from the Hockey tournament to my football match, for my beloved Norwich Hotspur. I won't dwell on the details here, the game itself was great, however the circumstances of the afternoon led to both local and (allegedly) national press coverage of the game. Click on the links below to follow the story.

Norwich Hotspur Match Report

Norwich Evening News

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