Wednesday 4 November 2009

173 Days To Go

Date & Time : 03/11/09 20:30
Distance : 9 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 139.5 miles
Route : Brackendale, Ber Street, Earlham Road, Bluebell Road, Newmarket Road, Ring Road, Home

I ended up going a bit further than I expected, had originally intended to do about 6 miles and ended up with 9, mainly because I forgot to map the run in advance which is a bit of a schoolboy error. But saying that I was pleased to get another longish run under my belt.

Not quite so terrified of the prospect of the marathon now that I have got a few long runs in, in a short space of time - I've done 26 miles in 4 days this week without any real side effects, apart from gradually turning into a running geek. My friend Nigel keeps telling me "There is only one thing more boring than running, and that's listening to people talk about running". I think he is probably right, and there is perhaps one thing more boring than talking about running and that is blogging about running! However this is all part of my training methodology, so tough, I will persevere and I know that Mrs Nigel reads it and enjoys it - Karen don't forget to update Nigel on my progress!.

p.s. enjoy the "Highway to Hell" video over there on the right.

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