Saturday 31 October 2009

176 Days To Go

Date & Time : 30/10/09 14:45
Distance : 13 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 126.5 miles
Route : Crown Point Hill, Whittlingham Hall, Big Broad x 3

13 miles, yes 13 that's half a marathon you know. And it didn't feel too bad, was fairly slow, but that was the intention. Ran out of daylight which was a bit of a problem down the back straight of the broad. Fortunately I didn't run into any 'dogging' activity, probably because it was a bit early for that. Then felt a bit queasy after downing two bottles of Lucozade Sport. But apart from that it was all good.

It's a huge psychological barrier to get through and I still have just under 6 months to go, although I know it's going to get a lot harder as the weather starts to deteriorate.

And Norwich won 3-1 away at Stockport which was nice, taking us up to 5th in the league. I'll have to start thinking about getting on the band wagon again soon. Looking forward to a day off tomorrow watching my nephew play West Ham for the Norwich acadamy U12s and then out to Big Kev's for tea.

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