Saturday 17 October 2009

190 Days To Go

Date & Time : 17/10/09 11:15
Distance : 6 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 86 miles
Route : Grove Walk, Eaton Park and back

I dropped Issy and Ellie off for their weekly dance lesson and then headed out towards Eaton Park. I decided to push on a bit today in terms of pace and it went reasonably well, managing just over 9 min miles for all but the last one. A couple of laps around Eaton Park was good.

Last night was the FOTS (Friends of Trowse School) Quiz and Chips night, which incidently was my 4th night out in a row this week, and I am starting to feel the effects. Our team 'The Desperate Trowse Wives' finished 3rd out of 11 teams which is a very respectable outcome - should have been 2nd but we blew the final round, probably due to the beer and wine starting to take effect and no likes the winners in these sort of things.

My 5th and last night out in row is a dinner party at the Blazer's tonight - I think it's Indian themed so expect one of Big Kev's special currys will be on the menu.

Need to get a few good runs in next week - I am hoping to do a 13 miler next weekend, but we'll see how the week progresses before making that decision.

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