Thursday 1 October 2009

206 Days To Go

Date & Time : 01/10/09 06:15
Distance : 4.5 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 48.5 miles
Route : Whittlingham Lane, Big Broad, Home

I'm in. Got my place in the 2010 VLM through the back door lucky buggers ballot, missed out on the main ballot but got one of the 1,000 places in the Bequest Draw, not bad considering that must be a 1 in 100 chance.

This mornings run was not pleasant, found it a real drag to get out of bed and then felt like I was running with wooden legs for the whole 4.5 miles. Had a good day at work though and having found out that I have a place I am more motivated than ever so will run again tomorrow morning to rid me of the bad run demons.

Also planning at least an 8 mile at the weekend - will have to be earlish Sunday morning due to family stuff and the fact that I am going for a few beers and a curry tomorrow night - I suppose that will have to stop soon.

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