Thursday 22 October 2009

187 Days To Go

Date & Time : 19/10/09 20:15
Distance : 6 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 92 miles
Route : Brackondale, Rose Lane, Riverside Road, Ketts Hill (ouchy), Plumstead Road, Harvey Lane, Home

This marathon training business can be tough not just physically but mentally as well. I experienced both on this run.

Having played football (badly, but that's another blog) on Sunday my legs felt heavy before I started, and after only 50 yards I felt a twinge at the top of my right leg and thought "shall I turn back and not bother tonight, after all I have enough excuses, it's late, I'm injured, my legs ache, I've had a big tea, there is always tomorrow". I was very close to stopping .... but I didn't.

I kept going and eventually completed a slow and painful 6 miles but mentally I had been strong and my will power kept me going which felt great. Well done me.

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