Tuesday 6 October 2009

201 Days To Go

Date & Time : 06/10/09 19:30
Distance : 7.5 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 65 miles
Route : Brackendale, Carrow Rd, Inner Ring Rd, Grapes Hill (ouch), Unthank Rd, Outer Ring Rd, Home

Another good run, nothing to brag about in terms of time, but pleased that I'm getting some decent distances under my belt within a short period of time - going to try and do 26 miles this week, but that could be tricky with football on Sunday afternoon, will need to get 5 miles in Thu morning before work and again on Saturday. It's good to have a plan.

Norwich won again tonight, away at Gillingham in the Johnstones Paint Trophy - only 4 more wins and its a day out at Wembley for us.

My little girl, Imogen, wasn't well last week - turned out that she had German Measles and it really knocked her out. However, its lovely to see her almost back to normal tonight, toddling about, saying 'hello' a lot (that's her only word really) and emptying all the cupboards. Made me smile.

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