Sunday 25 October 2009

183 Days To Go

Date & Time : 24/10/09 08:00
Distance : 6.5 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 98.5 miles
Route : Crown Point Hill, Whittlingham Hall, Big Broad, Martineau Lane, White Horse Lane, Home

This was a good one despite having a head cold / man flu whatever you want to call it. Got out early, a little drizzle in the air, no wind, perfect conditions. Might go again tonight (Sunday) just to get through 100 mile barrier.

On Friday Lorraine and I went to the school assembly as both Issy and Ellie had been awarded star pupil certificates for the half term, it made us both very proud to listen to what was said about them - we must be doing something right.

Yesterday afternoon I was a VIP at Carrow Road courtesy of Aviva and a couple of tickets that Guzzy and I won in an auction at Big Kev's charity golf day back in September. It was a thoroughly enjoyable afternoon, even though the football wasn't great we got the right result beating Swindon 1-0 to take us up to 5 in the table - and Ipswich failed to win again :)

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