Saturday 17 October 2009

193 Days To Go

Date & Time : 14/10/09 06:45
Distance : 4 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 80 miles
Route : 1 Lap of Hyde Park

Having spent 2 nights in London celebrating the launch of I knew it was going to be difficult to fit any running in, not least due to the fact that alcohol and food would be consumed in abundance.

So I forced myself out of bed at 6am on Wed morning having only had 5 hours sleep and headed across the road to Hyde Park. The run itself turned out to be quite nice, the park was literally teeming with runners.

This is what the The Serpentine looks like at 7:20am on a damp grey morning in October. By the end of the day I had witnessed Sir Richard Branson dancing the 'Running Man' in a lion suit, and had partied with the great and the good at the Kensignton Roof Gardens,
It was a good day.

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