Sunday 31 January 2010

84 Days To Go - Offroading On The Marriotts Way

Date & Time : 31/01/10 10:00
Distance : 14.5 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 340.5 miles
Route & Stats : Drayton and Back, via Marriotts Way

This was more like it, 14.5 miles and it hurt a bit, but nothing like the run I did last Friday.  I was supposed to be running in the Reedham 10m race today but the weather put paid to that, so I decided to get another long run in, only this time I was going to prepare properly.

The preparation certainly helped and I remembered to take my 'Go Gel' with me this time.  I still found it tough going towards the end, but then I suppose that is what training runs are all about.  The route was good and I particularly liked running up the Marriotts Way and it was nice to run off road for a change.   With snow on the ground some of the scenery was beautiful.

Looking ahead to next weekend, I will be aiming for 16 miles, and will probably stay local and do a few laps around Whittlingham Hall and The Big Broad.  The good thing about that is that I'm never more than a few minutes away from a toilet which is becoming an issue on these long runs.  This weeks thanks go to Chapplefield shopping centre for my emergency stop, fortunately there weren't too many shoppers around.

Wednesday 27 January 2010

88 Days To Go - Running On Empty

Date & Time : 27/01/10 19:30
Distance : 5.5 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 326 miles
Route & Stats : Inner Ring Road

Didn't really enjoy this one.  Tried to complete my 'Tempo' run.  I know what it's called now after attending an interesting marathon training workshop tonight with Paul Evans.  Tempo, means running for a sustained period at approximately 80% of flat out.   I managed to do this ok for about 3.5 miles, but then needed to take a break. After that I completed the run at a decent but slower pace.  I seem to be short on energy at the moment which might be because I'm still recovering from by long run on Friday, football on Sunday and an hour on the cross trainer last night.  So, for the rest of this week I'm going to take it easy and rest up in preparation for the 10m race on Sunday.

Well done to Norwich last night for a great win away at Walsall coming back from 1-0 down to win 2-1, with the added bonus that Dirty Leeds lost 3-0 at in form Swindon.   I've got a pass for Saturday and am looking forward to a visit to Carra Rud.   My prediction is that by 5 o'clock we will be 6 points clear of Dirty Leeds as they have a tough game against Colchester and then it will be a straight race to the finish.

Sunday 24 January 2010

93 Days To Go - What Was I Thinking, Stupid Boy

Date & Time : 22/01/10 19:30
Distance : 14 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 320.5 miles
Route & Stats : Inner Ring Road, Out To UEA, Bluebell Road, Zigzag Back

Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow....this one really hurt.  First 11 miles went well, then boom, the wheels came off.   No energy, legs like lead, calves on fire, ankles raw.   It was also pouring with rain and I was soaked through.   What this proves more than anything is that I must prepare better for my long runs and nipping out on a Friday night having not eaten for several hours is not going to work.

My friend Matt had kindly given me a 'Go Gel' isotonic carbohydrate energy gel sachet to try out, which I stupidly forgot to take with me .... boy I could have really done with that as I turned to go out on Newmarket Road.

That all said, I could have shortened my route and didn't, and I did complete 14 miles, even though the last couple were a combination of jogging, stretching, cursing and walking.   The other quite pleasing thing is that my recovery period from these long runs is good and after 1 day of rest I'm ready to go again.

Anyway lesson learnt, and I am already looking to the next long(ish) one, which will be the Reedham 10m race next Sunday.   After that I plan to push on with my target of 18 miles by the end of February .... gulp.

Wednesday 20 January 2010

95 Days To Go - That's The Way To Do It

Date & Time : 20/01/10 19:30
Distance : 5.5 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 306.5 miles
Route & Stats : Inner Ring Road

Just a quick canter round the Inner Ring Road at a consistent 8.5 mins per mile.  Felt good all the way and this was probably my best run this year so far.

This sets me up nicely for my long run this weekend, which might have to be on Friday night due to other commitments at the weekend, but that's OK, I quite like night running, it seems to suit me.  Hoping to do 14 miles.

The other thing I need to sort out is another pair of trainers as I will have worn out my current pair by the time I get to the marathon and therefore need to break in a new pair in plenty of time.  They, the experts that is, reckon you should change your shoes every 500 miles, which is moreorless where I think I will be by the time the big day comes around.

98 Days To Go - Thankyou Waitrose

Date & Time : 17/01/10 10:00
Distance : 12.5 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 301 miles
Route & Stats : Colney Lane & Back

That's the 300 hundred miles up, and through the 100 days to go barrier.  Seems like I'm marking off some sort of milestone every week at the moment.  My first post back in September was called 208 Days To Go, which means I am more than half way through my training programme, which is a very scary thought.   That said, having reflected on what I used to be able to achieve then compared to now, the progression is very encouraging.  I struggled to get round 4 miles at 11 mins per mile then and now I have completed a half marathon at 9 mins per mile and can get round 6 miles at 8.5 min miles without too much trouble.

I was pleased with this run, although it was fairly slow, it was a good marker to lay down.  Physically it was OK, although I did start to cramp in my right calf a little bit in the last couple of miles, but considering I had run 7.5 miles a couple of days earlier then it wasn't unexpected.

The only other issue I had was solved by an emergency stop at Waitrose.  I think I owe them a big shop for dive bombing cubical two in the mens toilet, however my need was great and my options were limited.

Friday 15 January 2010

100 Days To Go - Darts Is A Sport

Date & Time : 15/01/09 20:00
Distance : 7.5 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 288.5 miles
Route & Stats: Brackendale, Carrow Road, Riverside Road, Barrack Street, Grapes Hill (ouchy), Unthank Road, Newmarket Road, Home

Onnnnne Hundrrrrrrrrrrrrred days to go.  I think I've been watching too much darts recently, and yes, it is a sport in case you're wondering.  Really positive run tonight, 7.5 miles at less than 9 mins per mile, and still felt strong at the end, with no aches or pains.  I will be through the 300 mile barrier by the end of the weekend if all goes well.

I am definitely getting addicted to this training lark, and am becoming a bit of a running geek, really looking forward to my next race which is the Reedham 10m at the end of the month.  I will be setting myself a target of finishing in less than 90 mins, which should be achievable and is 1 min per mile less than my current planned marathon pace.

Wednesday 13 January 2010

102 Days To Go - Treadmill Hell

Date & Time : 13/01/10 19:30
Distance : 7 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 281 miles
Route : Harpers Gym Treadmill

The weather continues to disrupt my training plans, so it was the gym again for me tonight.  7 miles on the treadmill at 8min 45secs per mile is pretty good for me and was a good workout leaving me sweating like Jill Dando trying to get her front door key in.

The weather has also meant this weekends training camp that I mentioned in my last post has been rescheduled until 30/01, which is disappointing but gives me the opportunity to go out and get another long run in, I'll be aiming at 12 miles.

I've entered a couple races this week.  The Reedham 10m on 31/01 and the Wymondham 20m on 07/03.  The Reedham 10m will be fun and I am looking forward to it, the Wymondham 20m scares the hell out of me, but it has to be done.  If I can get 20miles in 7 weeks ahead of the marathon it will be a good place to be.

Monday 11 January 2010

106 Days To Go

Date & Time : 09/01/10 14:30
Distance : 9.5 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 274 miles
Route & Stats: Whittlingham Hall, Big Broad, Whittlingham Lane, Past The Sewage Works (yuck), Kirby Road, Whittlingham Hall, Whittlingham Lane, Home

Another decent run under my belt. I decided that inspite of the weather I would just get out there and get the job done.  For most of the run I was running on compacted snow which was quite tricky and hard work.  The Big Broad looked amazing though and was virtually frozen solid.  The air was fresh, however the wind was sharp and in the exposed areas, particularly up by the sewage works it took my breath away.

One thing I have really come to enjoy is listening to Norwich games on Radio Norfolk while running, and this was no expection, with Norwich cruising to a 3-1 victory over Exeter.  In fact I think this was far more preferable that actually being at the game and freezing my arse off, as my mum, sister and her family will tell you.

Need to start increasing the distances of my long runs from here onwards and I am really looking forward to the training camp this weekend at Dorney Lake with Liz and Martin Yelling, that Virgin Money has organised for the Virgin 500 team which is 500 runners made of staff, customers, competition winners and other Virgin group employees.

Friday 8 January 2010

109 Days To Go

Date & Time : 06/01/10 20:00
Distance : 6 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 263.5 miles
Route : Harpers Gym Treadmill

So I finally conceded to the weather and re-joined the gym that I left last year and spent a fairly tedious hour on a treadmill watching darts while listening to the iPod on my iPhone.   It was a decent workout and afterwards I was sweating like a nun in a cucumber field.

It made me think about the technology that I am using to help me with my training that wouldn't have been available a few years ago.  So here we go, here are my favourites ...

Garmin Forerunner 205

iPhone 3GS

Saucony ProGrid Trimuph 6

Under Armour HeatGear

Nike Running Gloves and Hat

So with snow all around and the temperatures well below zero I am now going to spend an hour on my ....

Horizon Andes 007 Cross Trainer

while watching a DVD played through my ....

Xbox 360

on my ....

LG Flatron HDTV

Technology, you can't beat it, it's the future!

Saturday 2 January 2010

113 Days To Go

Date & Time : 02/01/10 15:00
Distance : 9.5 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 257.5 miles
Route & Stats : Brackendale, Queens Road, Earlham Road, Bluebell Road, Marston Lane, Hall Road, Ring Road, Home

Enjoyed this one, nice steady pace, good distance, cold but bearable weather. My hamstrings were a bit sore from DIY on Thursday, but once I got going they loosened up and and weren't an issue.

Yes I did say DIY, I was replacing some cracked and loose tiles on my kitchen floor and all the bending up and down, crouching etc really took it's toll on my hamstrings. I should have remembered to warm up as the same thing happened when I laminated the floor in my study.

As I predicted a week ago, Norwich have finished the holiday period in 2nd place, after beating Wycombe 1-0 today. I was listening to the game as I ran and it sounds like we absolutely battered them and it was a great relief when we eventually scored on 77 minutes. I was on the Ring Road by then and must have looked a bit odd as I was punching the air and jumping up and down all on my and in full view of the traffic.

Happy New Year to anyone who happens to read this drivel :)