Saturday 1 May 2010

0 Days To Go - The 2010 Virgin London Marathon

Date & Time : 25/04/10 09:45 
Distance : 26.5 miles 
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 590 miles 
Route & Stats : Jog Round London

Where do I start? So much to write about.  Before the race I had mentally broken it down into 6 phases - The Start, Cutty Sark, Tower Bridge, Canary Wharf, The Embankment and The Finish, so let me tell you about each bit at a time.

The Start

I set my alarm for 6am as I wanted to have breakfast exactly 3 hours before the start of the race to ensure I had plenty of time to digest the food.  Having got into my race kit and applied the first layer of Vaseline I headed down to the restaurant and wasn't surprised to see lots of runners already there loading up on pre-race fuel.  I had my usual of tea, toast and marmalade, porridge and honey which was great, but it was tough walking past the full English self service counter.  I am definitely going to have a fry up this weekend.

I met my fellow Virgin runners (Matt, Moses, TLK and Kev P) at 7.15am in the hotel reception, everyone seemed to be in good spirits.  From there we got a taxi to Charring Cross and got onto the train heading towards Maze Hill.  The station was already buzzing with marathon runners and the train soon filled up.  At Waterloo even more people got on including one old fella who stood in the aisle next to where we were sitting.  I looked up and noticed that he was wincing a bit and was looking around for a seat, so I got up and offered him mine which he gratefully accepted and muttered something about a dodgy knee. Anyway this old fella turned out to be a guy called Dave Fereday at member of the London Marathon Ever Presents - these are a group of 20 or so men that have run every marathon since the first in 1981, so this would be Dave's 30th.  He was an amazing man, he was still running sub 4 hour marathons at the age of 66, but had his knee cartilage removed a couple of years ago and is unable to run, but rather than give up he has adopted a power walking style and still manages to get round in less than 5h 30m.

Meeting Dave made me realise what an amazing event the London Marathon is and it really helped settle my nerves, unlike the poor woman in the next set of seat who was literally in tears as we approached Maze Hill station, she looked absolutely terrified.  I caught her eye and she looked at me in pure desperation as if to say please help me get out of this.  I looked away and didn't look back again, I was feeling confident and didn't want to let the nerves back in again.

After a 20 minute walk up the hill from Maze Hill to Blackheath we arrived at the Green Start.  Then headed for the Virgin runners hospitality tent.  I must say we were very well looked after and were really grateful for the marquee when the heavens opened half an hour before the start.  One thing I was concerned about was making sure I had a good 'bowel movement' before the start, I had been unsuccessful at the hotel despite 2 attempts. So the first thing I did on arrival was head for the loo and fortunately it was job done (don't worry I don't have a picture of that!).

We were extremely lucky to be right next to the bag lorries and therefore could take our time getting ready, chatting, stretching, taking drugs (in my case Nurofen and Imodium as usual).  Everyone seemed relaxed and most just wanted to get going.

At 9.40am I went to my last wee and then headed towards my starting pen, on the way there I walked past the celebrity area and spotted Sue Barker interviewing Gary Speed and Steve Rider.  I also saw the Caterpillar including Princess Beatrice, Sam and Holly Branson, making their final preparations.   At 9.45am we were off.

Cutty Sark

What a relief to be underway, the months and months of training were now behind me and this was it.  It was very crowded as you would expect and in the first couple of miles I saw at least 4 people hit the deck tripping over traffic cones, wheelie bins and other runners.  The good thing about the Green Start is that there are only 3,000 runners.  However, after about a mile we merged with 17,000 runners from the Blue Start, so now I was in a race of 20,000 runners.   This was great and now I felt like I was really in the London Marathon. 

Two and half miles later we merged with the Red Start and another 16,000 runners.  At this point we were running down both sides of dual carriageway about 50 runners abreast, what an amazing site.  It's tradition that as the Red and Blue/Green starts merge that each set of runners boo each other.

I had taken the precaution of wearing supports on both knees but at the last minute decided not to wear any ankle supports.   I'd been saying for weeks that I couldn't wait to get the first 2 or 3 miles done as that would tell me whether I was going to have a good run or not.  So by the time the 3 starts had merged I had done that and was feeling good, my pace was exactly what I had planned between 9m and 9.5m miles and no aches or pains.  One thing I did notice was how humid it was - following the earlier shower, the sun had come out and the body heat from thousands of runners in close proximity to each other made it feeling very steamy.

At about 5 miles I remember seeing Canary Wharf in the distance and thinking it looked an awfully long way away.  It was at this point that I felt as if my left big toe was starting to blister, however it didn't get any worse and later I think my feet went numb so didn't notice it.   There were quite a few people scattered along the route cheering us, and I seen my first couple of bands, but I didn't really get my first marathon crowd experience until I reached the boarded up Cutty Sark at 7 miles.   The course narrowed quite sharply which caused the runners to bunch up, as I rounded the corner the noise from the crowd was incredible they must have been 10 to 15 deep on both sides.  I remember waving and smiling, thinking this is just great.  My marathon experience was well and truly underway.

Tower Bridge

After Cutty Sark in was time to get my head down and get a few solid miles under my belt.  My pace had dropped a little but I was still going along quite nicely at under 10m miles and still no aches or pains, not even from my achilles tendons that I would normal start to feel at this stage.   The proximity of runners was still dense and one more than one occasion I accidentally bumped into people, but the atmosphere between the runners was great.
It was great having the water stations every mile and the fact that they were handing out bottles meant I could grab one and run with it for a while taking small regular sips.  At about 8 miles I was starting to look for the mile markers and what a great site they were as each one approached and passed, huge red Virgin Money branded arches covered in red balloons.   Earlier having gone through mile 4 some bloke asked me if that was 3 or 4 miles, jokingly I told him I wasn't going to count them until 18 miles.

Somewhere along this part of the course I found myself running next to a bride and groom in full bridal gown and morning suit - apparently they'd got married on Friday and this was the start of their honeymoon, I forgot to ask if they'd had any drinks at the wedding before the sped off ahead of me - they both looked like seasoned runners.

I had hoped to see Lorraine and the girls somewhere between 9 and 11 miles, but unfortunately I missed them or they missed me, but knowing they were there somewhere was great, and I had planned to see them again at 15 miles so I wasn't too down hearted. 

Two hours in and I was just over 12 miles.  By now there were loads of runners stopping and stretching or receiving first aid, but I was feeling good and the thought of reaching Tower Bridge was really driving me on. As I approached the bridge the sun was shining and I remember looking up at the towers and thought how amazing they looked with the blue sky and white clouds above.  

Crossing the bridge is an experience I will never forget.  I'm sure anyone attempting their first London Marathon imagines themselves crossing Tower Bridge while out on their long training runs.  The crowds on both sides we fantastic and so noisy cheering us all on.  There were lots of charity cheering points and they were especially noisy.  I was looking out for the Clic Sargent crew and spotted them a few yards up on the left hand side of the bridge.  As I approached they spotted me and started going crazy.  As I ran past I stuck my arms out like aeroplane wings and did a sort of mock fly by much to their delight.  I was having the time of my life.  I loved this.  As I left the bridge I waved my arms at the BBC boom camera a huge smile on my face.

Canary Wharf

Coming off the bridge I turned right and saw the 13 mile marker ahead, it was good to be at half way, but was also mentally quite tough thinking it is only half way.  What made it even tougher was the fact that geographically I was now heading away from the finish and the 22 mile marker was on the other side of the road which meant it was another 9 miles just to get back to the same place.  By the time I had got there the elite club runners were heading the other way looking remarkably comfortable and fast.   Oh well time to get my head down again and crack on, at least Lorraine and the girls would be waiting just a couple of miles further on.

Time wise I was doing OK, through 13 miles at 2h 10m which was still on for under 4.5 hours.  It was at about this time that I had my first carbo gel and Nurofen reload.  So far so good.

The next couple of miles passed without incident and the thought of seeing Lorraine and the girls was really keeping me going.  The crowds were a bit thinner here but I was still getting loads of encouragement - if you ever run a marathon make sure you print your name on your top, to have random people shouting your name and giving you a gee up is great and really helps push you along.

As I reached 15 miles I was feeling great and really concentrating on the crowds trying to spot my family, my pace was still OK.  I spotted some Norwich City supporters by the side and gave them a 'come on you yellows' as I passed them, they duly responded with a chorus of 'On The Ball City'.   As the 16 mile marker came into view I still hadn't seen the girls.  On well maybe they were a bit further on.   However, as I reached 17 miles I was resigned to the fact that I'd missed them again.  Gutted.  Hopefully see them at the finish.
The next couple of miles were really hard work.  My morale was pretty low having not seen the girls and 17 and 18 miles felt a bit like they were there just to make the numbers up going up and down through the office buildings. 

As I approached 19 miles I started to feel better.  The crowds were really big here and extremely noisy.  I spotted another Clic Sargent cheering point gave them another fly by, then just afterwards I saw some people from Virgin Money in the crowd which gave me another lift.   As I turned the corner into Canada Square I heard a huge roar from the crowd 'JEMMMMM!!!' and looked up to see Neil and the rest of the Virgin Money Giving supporters giving me a big cheer.

As I headed off from them, something in the crowd on the other side of the road caught my eye.  I looked over and there they were - Lorraine, Issy, Ellie and Lorraine's sister, Helen.   I sprinted across the road and sort of dive bombed into them I gave Issy and Ellie a huge sweaty hug - I was sooooo pleased to see them having given up hope, what a massive boost.   For the next mile I had a permanent smile on my face.

The Embankment

Unfortunately, that smile soon started to fade as I went through 20 and 21 miles.  My legs were really starting to hurt, not in any specific place, just everywhere.   I could feel the energy seeping away.  My pace had slowed considerably and was now at nearly 11m per mile.   This was the furthest I had ever run and I was still 5 miles and nearly an hour from the finish.   I was really beginning to suffer.

I spotted the 'Angel of the North' bloke on the other side of the road at 13 miles and he was in a bad way.  I thought there was no way he was going to finish, but he did, minus his wings only to find that he had been beaten to the world record by a young lad in a 22ft giraffe costume - poor bugger.

At 22 miles I was feeling really rough.  My legs were like lead, I was light headed and slightly tunnelled vision, I thought I could feel cramp starting in my hamstrings.  The thought kept going through my mind that I was about to hit the infamous wall and was beginning to panic a little.  I didn't have any gels left and I had just accidently dropped my last pain killer on the floor.
I was aware of the crowds and runners around me, but all I could do was just keep putting one foot in front of the other.  I had set myself the objective of running the whole marathon and this was what was now driving me on, I also thought that if I stopped running I didn't think I would be able to start again.

I decided to move over to the left and run close to the crowd in order to get a few people to cheer me on. As I did I grabbed a handful of jelly babies from one of the many tubs of sweets that people held out all around the course.  I stuffed a couple into my mouth.  I hardly had the energy to chew them.   Having passed through 23 miles I grabbed a bottle of water and kept it with me taking a few sips every few yards.   I was starting to feel a little better and wasn't feeling so light headed.  Just keep going was my only thought.

At 24 miles I emerged from the tunnel onto The Embankment.   The sun was shining, I could see the London Eye in the distance and suddenly the thought went through my mind that I was going to be OK.  I had 2 miles to go and I could keep doing what I was doing for another 20 minutes or so which would get me to the finish.  This really made me feel better.

I enjoyed the next mile.  I was hurting big time and my legs were screaming 'STOP' but I kept going.  The crowds again were great, shouting 'Come on Jem', 'You can do it Jem', 'You're nearly there Jem' and the one I hate 'Dig in Jem'. Passing through 25 miles was a great feeling, the sight of Big Ben ahead was a joyful thing.  By now lots of people around me were walking, but I kept repeating my mantra "don't stop running, don't stop running ....".

When I actually got to Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament I can't remember much about it.  I think I was so focused on the route ahead I didn't really take in my surroundings a great deal.   I saw the sign ahead that said '800 metres to go' and realised I was getting close to the finish.  However, I think it gives you a false sense of hope and 800 metres is still a bloody long way.

The Finish

Passing Buckingham Palace I passed under the huge '385 yards to go' sign and at this point I was smiling.  Then the finish line came into sight and I let out a cry of 'Yes'.  At this point I would love to say that I then lifted my head, picked up my knees and proudly sprinted down The Mall in front of the adoring crowds in the grandstands and burst across the finish line in a blaze of athletic glory.  That's how I had often imagined I might finish.  However the reality was somewhat different.

I had absolutely nothing left in my legs.  In fact as I crossed in front of Buckingham Palace I felt a really sharp pain in my right knee.  I plodded onto The Mall, and drifted over to the grandstand on left where Lorraine and the girls were supposed to be.  Unfortunately, they didn't make it in time, but I did get a couple of "Go on Jem's" from Virgin Money colleagues.

4h 34m 12s

Crossing the finish line was one of the best feelings I have ever had and probably the most knackered I have ever been.  I just stopped dead, and then wobbled and nearly fell on my arse.  Then I just stood there for a few seconds in a complete daze and until a friendly marshall ushered me towards the tag removing and medal giving process.

I did the kissing of the medal thing and then wandered off to get my goody bag as I was desperate for a drink.  I queued up for my finisher picture. I was starting to get my senses back by now.

After that I went for a pee, I needed one for the last 5 miles but daren't stop incase I couldn't get started again.  Got my bag and wandered very slowly off to find Lorraine and the girls which was a special moment.

After we spent a couple of hours at the Virgin post race party at Planet Hollywood, I grabbed a couple of beers, lots of food and even managed to get a massage, then it was time to head home.

I slept well that night I can tell you.  The legs were fairly mashed the next day and my right knee refused to bend very much, but as I write this final entry a few days later I feel fully recovered and am ready to go for a run this weekend.

I want to say thank you again to all the people who have supported me through this by sponsoring me, by reading this blog, encouraging me, giving me advice, running with me, feeding me well (Lorraine), putting up with my moods when my training wasn't going well (Lorraine again) and allowing me the time to train (Lorraine, Issy, Ellie and Imogen).

Will I do it again? You bet I will, I can't wait to give it another go, I reckon I could get under 4 hours - here's looking forward to 17th April 2011 and another 500 or 600 cold and wet miles of training.

=== THE END ===

Friday 23 April 2010

2 Days To Go - Definitely The Last One

Date & Time : 23/04/10 18:00
Distance : 2.5 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 563.5 miles
Route & stats : Home from Work

Just one more run.  Hadn't planned to run this week, apart from Sunday that is, however have been hitting the carbs hard this week and was feeling a little carbo overloaded so decided to run home from work.  Glad I did as it was nice to get the legs turning over again.

I went to the Expo on Wednesday and got my race number and timing chip which all makes it feel so much more real now.

The bags are packed and we're on our way down to London in the morning, then it will be a case of relaxing in the afternoon while Lorraine and the girls go off to the Science Museum and then out for a pasta meal with my fellow Virgin Money runners then hopefully a decent nights sleep before a very early start on Sunday morning.

Final mention in this last blog entry before the race must go to all the friends, family and colleagues that have so generously donated to my fund raising page - at last count the total including gift aid was £1,824 which is just amazing ..... so once again thank you all so much, if you ask nicely I might let you wear my medal for a day.

Monday 19 April 2010

7 Days To Go - The Last Run

Date & Time : 18/04/10 08:45
Distance : 10.5 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 561 miles
Route & Stats : Big Broad and White Horse Lane

At last the training is finished.  And what a great way to sign off with a run around the Big Broad on a glorious Sunday morning - such a contrast to some of those winter runs in snow, hail, sleet and rain.  Fortunately for me and unfortunately for them Issy and Ellie's hockey tournament was cancelled so I could get out before it got too warm.  Apart from the first mile which was a bit laboured, the run went really well and I was surprised at how quickly the miles ticked by.  I managed a nice steady consistent pace pretty much bang on the pace I hope to complete most of the marathon at - 9m 40s per mile.

I found a marathon pace calculator online, the output of which is below.  So if all goes to plan I will be finishing in 4h 21m 28s on the basis that I run the first 18 miles at 9m 40s and the last 8 miles at 10m 40s per mile.

With regards to setting targets, several experienced marathon runners have told me that it's a really good idea to set yourself some objectives for the race, so here are mine in the order of priority,
  1. get to the start
  2. get to the finish
  3. smile as I cross the finish line (very important for the photo apparently)
  4. run across the finish line
  5. run the the whole race (i.e. don't walk)
  6. finish in less than 5 hours
  7. finish in less than 4.5 hours
  8. finish in less than 4 hours (don't think this is achieveable but got to have a stretch target)
Now if I managed to achieve objectives 1-7 then I would consider that job done and done well.  However, I will be pretty pleased just to complete 1 and 2 to be honest.

One final piece of news to report - virtually all my niggles, particularly my dodgy right knee have all but disappeared, only to be replaced by toothache - come on marathon gods, give me a break!

Thursday 15 April 2010

11 Days To Go - Don't Panic Mr Mainwaring

Date & Time : 14/04/10 18:15
Distance : 4.5 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 550.5 miles
Route & Stats : Big Broad

Just a short leg loosener tonight around the Big Broad at Whittlingham Lane.   It was a lovely evening and a delight to run in the late evening sunshine.  I'm pleased to report no knee problems either and I am becoming less and less worried about my knees as each day passes.

However, I am pretty much worrying about everything else as the big day get's ever closer.  I wonder if every marathon first timer goes through this period of self doubt?  Here are just a few of the questions that are constantly going through my mind.  Have I done enough training?  Will I make it to the finish?  Will I make it to the start?  What if I get ill or injured in the next few days?

And the worst thing is from a training point of view I'm past the point where I can do anything about it.  There is no point doing anymore long runs now it won't make any difference, in fact it will be damaging.  The wheels are in motion and cannot be stopped.

However, there are other positive things that can be done. So now I am concentrating on preparing and planning so that nothing is left to chance and that I get to the start line next Sunday without any last minute drama.

Here are a few of the things I am doing,
  • I decided weeks ago exactly what kit I am going to wear on the day - I have two variations depending on the weather, both of which I have practiced in
  • I know exactly what I am going to eat on the morning of the race and I have practiced that too ... many times
  • The night before the race I am eating in Zizzi's - it's been booked for a few weeks, and on Saturday night this week guess where I am going out to dinner?  Yep, Zizzi in Norwich and guess what I am going to eat - exactly the same as the night before the race
  • I am stretching religiously everynight, particularly the backs of my legs - calves and hamstrings
  • I am going to the Expo on the first day it opens next Wednesday to get registration out of the way as soon as I can - one less thing to worry about
  • This Sunday I will get up at exactly the same time as I plan to on the day of the race and go through exactly the same routine as next Sunday (except the Tube journey to the start, I'll have to improvise that)
  • I've started rubbing surgical spirit onto the bottom of my feet to toughen up the skin
  • I've even become an obsessive collector of safety pins - I just can't walk past one without picking it up and putting it in my running kit
You might think that all this is a bit over the top and you'd probably be right, but as I said above I can't do anymore long training runs, but I don't want to have any other excuses for not being as best prepared as I possibly can come 9.45am next Sunday morning when the gun goes.

I will probably look and feel like one of the cast of Dad's Army when I cross the line next Sunday, but all that matters is crossing the line ...... so don't be a stupid boy Pike and don't panic Mr Mainwaring!


Monday 12 April 2010

14 Days To Go - Come On You Yellows

Date & Time : 11/04/10 10:15
Distance : 12.5 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 546 miles
Route & Stats : Colney and Back

I didn't run during the week to give me knees a chance to recover a bit. So I was bursting to get out at the weekend for a decent training run.   I decided to run out to Norwich City's training facility at Colney Lane to watch my nephew Tom play for Norwich under 12's against Arsenal.  It also gave me a chance to catch up with my brother Harvey, who I haven't seen for ages.  It gave me the opportunity to remind him that he hadn't sponsored me yet - it worked!  Thanks for the £50 bruv.

It was a good game.  Norwich played well and initially took the lead, but to be fair the Arsenal lads were a class above.  Their passing and moving one and two touch play was a delight to watch and some of individual skills on display were excellent.  Final score was 3-1 to Arsenal.  Tom has been a regular in the the U12s this year and as far as I can gather, he's been one of the best players in the squad.  He finds out on Wednesday this week if he is going to remain in the academy for another season, so fingers crossed.

The run itself was great.  Weather was perfect, bright blue sky, not too hot and a nice cooling breeze - give me this for the marathon any day.  I looked a bit of a state with both knees strapped and an ankle support, but the extra support around the knees worked really well and I didn't feel any pain or discomfort at all.  My average pace for the 6 miles out was 8:42 min miles which is pretty good for me and it felt great.   I took it a bit slower on the way back but again it was a reasonably good pace averaging 9:02 for the full 12.5 miles.

This was just what I needed, a really good solid run.  No injuries or niggles (well nothing a quick ice pack on my right ankle couldn't sort out).   Not sure if I'll run during the week again or just stick to a couple of cross training sessions.  I'll definitely be out at the weekend though for my last, yes last, training run before the big day.

I also managed to complete another major task this week - I ironed my name onto the front of my running vest without screwing it up - result.  I fully expected to lash it up and/or melt the vest, but it actually worked out really well - maybe, just maybe, running this marathon is going to be OK!

Saturday 3 April 2010

23 Days To Go - The Long Good Friday

Date & Time : 02/04/10 09:30
Distance : 18.5 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 533.5 miles
Route & Stats : Trowse & Whittlingham Lane Loops

So this was it, the last long run before the much awaited taper towards the marathon.  I was a little apprehensive going into the run having had a sore knee following last weeks off road run along Wherrymans Way.  Joining me for this last long one were fellow marathon hopefuls Michael and Moses from work, and it was great to have some company, as these long runs have become ever more tedious.

I had loaded up with carbs the night before, demolishing a huge bowl of wholemeal pasta.


I woke to find that my knee was almost completely pain free and by the time I had gone through my normal pre-run routine - cup of tea, two rounds of toast and marmalade, a bowl of cereal, two ibuprofen, two immodium and a bottle of lucozade sport body fuel - I was feeling pretty good.

The route we had chosen was basically a figure of eight from Whittlingham Lane out onto the Kirby Bedon road and back and then out on Martineau Lane and back down White Horse Road.   This meant we could leave drinks at the cross over point and take a few minutes breather between loops.  However, I'm not sure stopping is a good idea as it really is a struggle to get going again, especially after the 3rd loop at 16 miles.

I had intended to do 20 miles, however at about 17 my right ankle really started to hurt and I decided to call it a day at 18.5 miles to avoid making it any worse.  This is annoying because I haven't had any ankle trouble for a few weeks.   After icing it and then a hot bath the pain had completely gone so hopefully no lasting damage.

Still it was a decent run and considering the number of hills along the route it was probably worth more than 18.5 miles.   So now it's the taper.  10 miles next weekend, 5 miles the weekend after that, then lots of rest, lots of food and probably lots of nerves as the big day approaches.

Sunday 28 March 2010

28 Days To Go - Wherrymans Way Cross Country

Date & Time : 28/03/10 15:00
Distance : 15 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 515 miles
Route & Stats : Wherrymans Way

Didn't really enjoy this route.  I started out from Whittlingham and then followed the Wherrymans Way to Surlingham and then back again.  There was too much uneven ground along the river that meant I really had to concentrate on not turning my ankle which was quite mentally tiring and meant I couldn't really get a decent rythym going.   There were some lovely views and on another occassion the fact that the route takes in The Woods Ends at Brammerton, The Ferry Inn and Coldham Hall in Surlingham it could be a nice way to take in a summer evening run.

I had intended to run a bit further, however was quite tired after the cross country running so decided call it a day at 15 miles.  I had been for a 4 or 5 mile walk with the family in the morning I think that took something out of the legs as well.

So the plan is for one more long run - need to do at least 20 miles - on Good Friday morning.  I'd originally planned to do the Wherrymans Way again but I think the risk of injury is too high so will find a route that stays on flat surfaces.  Apparently the route for the London Marathon is one of the flattest of all the marathons - let's hope they aint lying!

Friday 26 March 2010

32 Days To Go - 500 Miles To Proclaim

Date & Time : 24/03/10 18:00
Distance : 6 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 500 miles
Route & Stats : Whittlingham Hall & Through The City

I ran 6 miles tonight.  Not because I wanted to, but because I needed to.   6 miles took me to 500 miles since I start training in September - FIVE HUNDRED MILES!!!

It was probably 6 of  the worst miles of the 500.   No energy, sore ankles, heavy legs.  In fact at one point I actually felt quite sick.  After the high of last Sundays half marathon, this most certainly was a low.   However, my experience now tells me that this is OK, it happens, don't get down about it.  So I haven't and I won't.  I think last Sunday took it out of me and I am still recovering. 

It's only 4 and a bit weeks to the marathon and I know I can do it.  So whatever happens between now and then is not an issue.  If I run well great, if I don't no bother.  I will complete 26.2 miles.

Anyway 500 miles, that is the point of this posting.  I have worn out one pair of running shoes and have already broken in the next pair - the same make and model only half a size bigger which feels more comfortable - apparently your feet swell quite a lot when running a marathon!

Monday 22 March 2010

35 Days To Go - Smashed It

Date & Time : 21/03/10 10:00
Distance : 13 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 494 miles
Route & Stats : Broadland Half Marathon

By far the best run of my life to date. Everything was just great - the weather, the course, my performance, even the medal was cool.  Having previously stated that I was hoping to break 2 hours, I was delighted with a new personal best for the half marathon (I have only run three) of 1h 51m which was 9 minutes under my previous best which is 40 seconds a mile faster than I have run before.  Anyone who runs regularly will know that is a big improvement.

I was a little apprehensive before the start, not knowing how I would go and if my achilles tendon would give me grief again or not.  However, I had prepared well.  Got some carbs on board on Saturday, drank loads of water, a good nights sleep and got up early on Sunday, even remembered to put some sun cream on my shoulders - who would have thought that would have been the case only a month ago when I nearly froze to death in Bungay.

The weather was perfect, bright blue skys, light breeze, not too hot.   I got to the race start in South Walsham with plenty of time to spare and spent a few minutes soaking up the early morning sunshine and chatting to a few people.  Everyone who had run this course before was warning me that there were quite a few hills to deal with, which was a concern.   This only made me make sure I stretched my achilles even more.  After a couple of pre-race pee's and an energy gel I was ready for the off.   I jogged down to the start.

The race started bang on 10am.  I was in the middle of the field of 260 odd runners and set off at a fairly brisk 8 min mile pace for the first couple of miles, which is faster than I expected but I was feeling OK and just like the Wymondham 20m I found a nice rythym early on.   The first hill came at about 2 miles and although I slowed a little I didn't find it too much of a problem and more importantly no achilles tendon pain either.

My next checkpoint was 6 miles.  I wanted to be there somewhere between 50 and 55 minutes to give myself a good chance of going under 2 hours.   I was amazed when I glanced at my watch and found that I was at 50m 38s as I passed the 6 mile marker and was feeling pretty strong.   As the course was an out and back layout I knew that I had about a mile of a hill to climb just ahead of me, but it wasn't anywhere near as bad as it looked on the way down and having gone through 8 miles still on track to smash my personal best and feeling no pain in my legs I decided to go for it.

There were a couple of short nasty little hills on the way back which really slowed me down and felt like I was running through treacle, but after each one I managed to regain my rythym again and get my breathing regulated.  I passed 12 miles at 1h 41m 22s, I was feeling tired by then having really pushed myself in the second half of the race but thought to myself that I would never be as fit as this again or have better conditions so why not go for it.  So I did.  I got my head down and dug in, passing several runners in the process.  I knew I probably wouldn't break 1h 50m but I was determined to get as close to it as possible.  According to my Garmin I actually completed 13.1m miles in 1h 50m 17s however as always in these races that is never where the finish line is and I still had another 0.1 mile to go.

1h 51m 08s - Smashed It!!!

What a great feeling.  I finished 140 out of a field of 267, I think I have earnt the right to call myself a runner and not a jogger from here onwards.  You never know on a flat course I might be able to go under 1h 50m, perhaps that will be my next target after 25th April.

I loved every minute of it.   However, no more of this fun running, the serious business of the marathon now needs to be my focus again.  I need to get another couple of long runs in and then come Easter I can start the much awaited taper towards the big day.   Bring it on.

Thursday 18 March 2010

39 Days To Go - I Want To Drink Guinness

Date & Time : 17/03/10 19:45
Distance : 6 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 481 miles
Route & Stats : Inner Ring Road

I saw a few people out and about tonight wearing those St. Patricks Day Irish top hats that Guinness provide. I must admit that I was very jealous of the fact that they were probably on their way to the pub to consume a few nice cold pints of the black stuff as I struggled along trying to keep my pace below 9 min miles. I want to drink Guinness, not worry about sore achilles tendons or my minutes per mile.

The funny thing is, when I was running the Wymondham 20m a couple of weeks ago, after about 15 miles I started to get think about how much I would like to down a pint of Guinness right there and then.  This also crossed my mind again last week while I was watching the Eddie Izzard marathon man documentary when he stopped at a pub half way through one of his 42 marathons and downed a shot of Vodka.  Maybe I should give it a try, I know there are lots of pubs along the route of the London marathon, just need someone on or around Tower Bridge to have one ready for me.  Might have to do some research on the subject.

The run itself was OK, I thought I was running quite fast (for me) and then was disappointed to find out that I was only just under 9 mins per mile, when I thought I was nearer 8m 30s, which is what I am hoping to do for the Broadland Half Marathon on Sunday.  Although, if my achilles tendon is still playing up then that might be a bridge too far, although I am determined to get under 2 hours.

Sunday 14 March 2010

43 Days To Go - Tendon Trouble

Date & Time : 13/03/10 14:45
Distance : 9 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 475 miles
Route & Stats : Whittlingham & Big Broad Loops

After last weeks 20m high this was a 9m low. A very disappointing run.  I had planned to run at least 13 miles and hoped for more like 16.  However, after only 3 or 4 miles my achilles tendons started to get quite sore. I carried on for another lap hoping that they would loosen up a bit, but they just got worse, so as the experts would say, I "listened to my body" and decided to cut the run short to reduce the risk of doing any further damage.  Perhaps I'm still not fully recovered from the exersions of last Sundays 20 miler.

As I sit here writing this blog entry 24 hours later, I am pleased to say that the soreness has reduced considerably.  I will take it easy this week with a couple of light jogs and lots of stretching and hopefully I'll be OK for the Broadland Half Marathon on Sunday 21/03.

It's only 6 weeks until the marathon and I feel like I am pretty much ready for it, just need to do everything I can to avoid injury from here on in.   Got one more 20m run planned sometime over Easter that will give me a full 3 weeks to fully recover before the big day.

Monday 8 March 2010

49 Days To Go - The Dreaded Wymondham 20m

Date & Time : 07/03/10 10:00
Distance : 20 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 466 miles
Route & Stats : Wymondham 20m

This race has been on my calendar for several weeks now as a benchmark and line in the sand. Everytime I thought about it the self doubt and concern would come - will I be ready to take on 20 miles 7 weeks before the marathon?  Even as little as 2 weeks ago I had virtually decided not to run, using the excuse that the event had come 2 weeks too soon for me.

However, after last weekends really good 14 miler, I was determined to give it a go, even a stinking head cold all week wasn't going to stop me.  And boy am I glad I did it - I absolutely loved it.  Having completed it in a respectable time of 3h 12m, I now feel very confident that I have a sub 4h 30m marathon in me and am really looking forward to the next 7 weeks as I prepare for the big day.

The race itself was great and well done to Wymondham AC for putting on such a good event.  The course was really nice, starting in the market square in Wymondham, out into the countryside and then a couple of 8.5 mile laps through Wicklewood, Deopham and Morley and then back into Wymondham.  It was pretty flat, with exception of a long hill up into Deopham at 6m and then 14m which didn't bother me at all, and a nasty little hill a few hundred metres from the finish which did bother me.

However, probably the best part of all was the weather.  Clear blue skies and cold light breeze, just about perfect running conditions.  It must have been the best day weather wise since early October. What a difference from my last event in Bungay a couple of weeks ago.

I had a deliberate race strategy to treat the race as 4 lots of 5 miles.

0-5 miles
I started quite steadily, trying not to go too fast at the beginning, 20 miles was new territory for me and all the advice I had been given was take it easy at the beginning.  I dropped into a nice steady rythym almost straightaway and was really enjoying the countryside and the weather.

6-10 miles
The first 5 miles ticked by without incident and then I found myself running with Moses from work, who is a fellow novice at this sort of malarky.  His company really helped and while we didn't talk much it was certainly a positive distraction having someone to run with.  I remember noting all the uphill sections on the first circuit, thinking I wonder what this will feel like after another 8 miles.  Going through the 10 mile marker was great, I said to Moses "OK, we're on our way home now".

11-15 miles
The next 5 miles were quite challenging and I had to dig in a bit.  The hill between 14m and 15m was tough, but after getting to the top and having a drink and my last Go-Gel I felt pretty good and therefore decided to up my pace a little.

16-20 miles
The legs were starting to hurt, but the breathing was OK and my energy levels felt good.  I found a decent rythym and was also encouraged by the fact that I started to catch and pass quite a few of the runners that had passed me earlier in the race.  To be honest the last 5 miles seemed to go quite quickly - I was delighted when I reached the 18 mile marker for 2 reasons - a) I had forgotten that I had passed 17 already and so this felt like a free mile and b) it was the point at which we turned back towards Wymondham and the finish.  I have already mentioned the nasty little hill before the finish, but having conquered that I even had a little left in the tank or a sprint finish!

All in all a great experience.   I even had enough energy in the afternoon to cycle down to Whittlingham Broad with my 8yr old daugther Ellie and her friend Carmel, who have a school cross country this week and wanted to do some training - how cool is that?  Talk about a proud Dad!

Thursday 4 March 2010

53 Days To Go - Up Hill Struggle

Date & Time : 03/03/10 19:15
Distance : 4.5 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 446 miles
Route & Stats : Chapplefield and Back (plus a loop round Carrow Hill)

Decent short run tonight, felt good, didn't want to go too far as have half an eye on the 20m race in Wymondham on Sunday.  Bumped into a fellow Virgin London Marathon runner, Susanna, from work going up Brackendale.  She was doing some hill training using Carrow Hill, so I decided to join her for a loop round.  Blimey, that was hard work - I was knackered after just one lap.  Susanna had done eight or nine, RESPECT!

I've settled into a weekly training programme that is basically as follows,

Mon - rest
Tue - 1 hour cross training
Wed - 1 hour running
Thu - 1 hour cross training
Fri - rest
Sat - 3 hours (or more) long run
Sun - rest

I'll continue this throughout March getting at least two 20 mile runs in and then start tapering in April.   I'm sure some people will look at this and think it is not enough, but don't forget my race objectives are quite straightforward - a) finish on my own two feet in somewhere between 4 and 5 hours and b) maintain control of my bowels during that 4 or 5 hours - simples!

Saturday 27 February 2010

57 Days To Go - Confidence Restored

Date & Time : 27/02/10 09:15
Distance : 14 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 421.5 miles
Route & Stats : Outer Ring Road

Was really hoping for a nice steady incident and injury free run this morning and that is exactly what I got, much to my relief and no ankle pain at all.  Phew.  I had orginally planned 19 miles today, but considering the problems I have had in the last couple of weeks and after advice from a colleague that I need to keep something in the tank for the Wymnondham 20m next weekend, I decided to cut it back to 14 miles.   Considering 14 miles as a short run is testimony to how far I have come in the last few months.

This run has given me the confidence boost that I needed and now I am looking forward to next Sunday.  I had been thinking about pulling out of the race, but now am determined to take part even if I am the last to cross the line.  As I have said before achieving 20 miles 7 weeks before the marathon is a good place to be and will in itself give me the confidence that I have a marathon in me.  From then onwards I think it will be one more 20 miler, probably at Easter and then I can start the taper towards the end of April and cut down the distances each week.

People tell me the that the elation they feel when they cross the line having completed the London Marathon is not just about the fact that they have finished the race, it's as much about knowing that you don't have to do anymore training and that you can have your life back again.  Training for a marathon is not a hobby, it's a lifestyle.

60 Days To Go - No More Strapping

Date & Time : 24/02/10 19:00
Distance : 6 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 407.5 miles
Route & Stats : Inner Ring Road

Really crappy run tonight.  No energy, wooden legs, so just kept it slow and steady.  I had my ankles heavily strapped but it didn't do much good, in fact the one on my troublesome left ankle made things worse and I ended up with bruising on the arch of my foot and chaving at the top of the ankle.  No more straps for me.

Will now rest up for a couple of days and try and get a decent run in at the weekend.

Monday 22 February 2010

63 Days To Go - Bungay Wet Dog

Date & Time : 21/02/10 11:00
Distance : 12.5 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 401.5 miles
Route : Bungay 20k 

I was soaked to the skin and freezing cold, my legs felt heavy, I was disorientated and light headed - then I bumped into a friendly face and he pointed me in the direction of the start.  Two minutes later and we were off heading out into the Suffolk countryside.

I didn't think the weather could get any worse - ha, that was a joke.   The persistent rain turned into driving rain, the driving rain turned into hail, the hail turned into sleet and then the sleet turned to snow.  This pattern then repeated itself for the next 2 hours with the wind gradually picking up as the temperature dropped.

Things got quite rough at about 7 miles - the road was on a steady incline for a mile or so, the wind and sleet were blowing straight into my face, my ankles had started to get quite sore and my fingers were frozen numb and I thought "what the hell am I doing here? Is doing the marathon really worth this?".

Anyway I got my head down and drove on.  The next turn took us out of the wind and things started to feel better.  The last few miles were OK, except the last 400m which was a ridiculous steep uphill climb to the finish.  Crossing the finish line in any race is a great feeling, but this one felt particularly good, especially after I discovered the free tomato soup.

Despite the attrocious conditions, very sore ankles and the fact that I was still cold for hours later, I enjoyed the event and was fairly pleased with the time of 1h 51m which worked out at 8m 55s per mile which is the quickest race I have run to date.

I also enjoyed the complementary bottle of Adnams Explorer, courtesy of the event sponsor, highly recommended.

64 Days To Go - Boys Like Chipmucks Too

Date & Time : 20/02/09 11:00
Distance : 4.5 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 389 miles
Route : Round The Big Broad

Just a quick leg loosener around my favourite running route in preparation for the Bungay 20k race tomorrow.

Norwich are playing at home this afternoon and the girls and I will be heading out at about 2pm so that we can get there in plenty of time - not to the football, but to the cinema near the football to watch Alvin and The Chipmunks 2 - The Squeakquel!! People often ask me if I wish I had sons instead of daughters which of course is a ridiculous thing to say to any parent - boys like chipmunk films too you know.

Anyway Norwich lost 2-0 at home to Southampton, only their 2nd home defeat all season - I listened to every second on the radio, while munching through a big cartoon of popcorn.  Apparently the film was quite good too.

Friday 19 February 2010

67 Days To Go - You Can't Make Me Do It

Date & Time : 17/02/10 21:15
Distance : 5.5 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 384.5 miles
Route & Stats : Inner Ring Road

Really didn't want to run tonight.  Didn't get home from work until 7.15pm, then needed to eat, then needed allow time to digest the food.  By then it was 8.30pm.  I really really didn't want to run.  I got changed, had a headache, it was literally freezing outside.  I DON'T WANT TO GO RUNNING, was all I could think about.

In the end I forced myself out the door by 9.15pm.  I was angry.  In fact so angry that I ran at 8 min miles for the first 2 miles just to spite myself and this whole bloody marathon training.  Then I realised I was knackered and completed the rest at a more comfortable pace of 9 min miles, which is still 1 min per mile quicker than my target marathon pace.

Having finished this run I was pleased for 2 reasons.  First because I had overcome the urge to not bother and secondly because I had no issues with my right ankle which was quite sore Mon and Tue, but thanks to a sports massage and tight ankle support was alright.

Saturday 13 February 2010

71 Days To Go - Mind Games

Date & Time : 13/10/09 09:15
Distance : 18 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 379 miles
Route & Stats: Ring Road & Colney Loop

The link above shows 16.5 miles, it was 18, I managed to accidently switch my garmin off for a mile or so much to my annoyance - so here is the proof it was 18.   It certainly felt like 18, but actually wasn't too bad.   My right ankle got quite sore towards the end and the steep up hill bit at the end of Marsden Lane at about 15 miles was just a physical impossibility to run up.

I think the biggest challenge with these long runs is the mental battle.   You have to find a way to get into the zone, find a rythym where you're not constantly thinking about how far you've gone and how far there is left to go.  If you're not in the zone, every mile can seem like it takes forever, whereas when you're tuned in and running with a nice steady rythym then 3 or 4 miles can slip by without you even noticing.

Today's run was definitely a run of 3 stages.  The first 6 miles weren't a problem at all.  The middle 6 were a bit of a struggle and then the last 6 were OK.  Again I think this is all about the psychology.  After 6 miles I was thinking that there was still 3 miles to go until I was halfway, and then at 9 miles I felt rough and was thinking that there was another 9 miles to go which is mentally tough to deal with. But once I got past 12 miles, I started to feel much better knowing that I was turning for home and the last couple of miles were actually good and I felt quite strong, apart from my sore ankle, which actually felt worse while I was walking than when I was running.   

It's the Great East Run 20K next Sunday in Bungay which I am looking forward to, so will try and get a couple of decent runs in during the week in preparation for that.

Saturday 6 February 2010

78 Days To Go - Blue Sky & Coffee

Date & Time : 06/02/10 09:00
Distance : 16.5 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 361 miles
Route & Stats : Local Loops & Big Broad x 2

I've decided that Saturday mornings is definitely the best time for the weekend long run - get it done and out of the way as soon as possible, because the feeling I have now as I write this update with a nice fresh coffee in my hand, is just great, in the knowledge that my work is done for this weekend.  

This was a good run, and easily the best long run I've done so far.  The pace was decent and consistent from the start to the end, no real physical problems, apart from sore ankles for the last mile or so, and mentally not an issue. The time seemed to pass quite quickly even though I was on my feet for close to 3 hours.   I'm listening to Dan Browns, new novel The Lost Symbol on my iPhone which is really helping me take my mind off the running.

The other great thing about today was the weather.  A really lovely spring day, clear blue skys, light frost, no wind - just about the perfect conditions for marathon training I would imagine.  It's also the first time I have been able to get my legs out and wear shorts for many weeks, although I did keep the gloves and beeny on.

This weeks thanks go to the Trowse Ski Club for accommodating my emergency stop, you will never know how grateful I am!

Friday 5 February 2010

81 Days To Go - Under 9m Miles

Date & Time : 03/02/10 20:00
Distance : 4 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 344.5 miles
Route & Stats : Chapplefied Gardens and Back

I so did not want to go for a run tonight as anyone reading my facebook status would have seen.  However, after a few friends replied telling me to get my arse in gear, I managed to find the energy to get my trainers on and get out there into the freezing cold rain.

And guess what .... I had one of my best runs of the year.  It was only 4 miles, but I decided to get my head down and put in some effort and ended up completing the run at an average of 8 mins 41 secs per mile which considering there is at least a mile of up hill running I was really pleased.

By the next post I will have, hopefully got 16 miles under my belt which I am actually looking forward to.  Famous last words!

Sunday 31 January 2010

84 Days To Go - Offroading On The Marriotts Way

Date & Time : 31/01/10 10:00
Distance : 14.5 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 340.5 miles
Route & Stats : Drayton and Back, via Marriotts Way

This was more like it, 14.5 miles and it hurt a bit, but nothing like the run I did last Friday.  I was supposed to be running in the Reedham 10m race today but the weather put paid to that, so I decided to get another long run in, only this time I was going to prepare properly.

The preparation certainly helped and I remembered to take my 'Go Gel' with me this time.  I still found it tough going towards the end, but then I suppose that is what training runs are all about.  The route was good and I particularly liked running up the Marriotts Way and it was nice to run off road for a change.   With snow on the ground some of the scenery was beautiful.

Looking ahead to next weekend, I will be aiming for 16 miles, and will probably stay local and do a few laps around Whittlingham Hall and The Big Broad.  The good thing about that is that I'm never more than a few minutes away from a toilet which is becoming an issue on these long runs.  This weeks thanks go to Chapplefield shopping centre for my emergency stop, fortunately there weren't too many shoppers around.

Wednesday 27 January 2010

88 Days To Go - Running On Empty

Date & Time : 27/01/10 19:30
Distance : 5.5 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 326 miles
Route & Stats : Inner Ring Road

Didn't really enjoy this one.  Tried to complete my 'Tempo' run.  I know what it's called now after attending an interesting marathon training workshop tonight with Paul Evans.  Tempo, means running for a sustained period at approximately 80% of flat out.   I managed to do this ok for about 3.5 miles, but then needed to take a break. After that I completed the run at a decent but slower pace.  I seem to be short on energy at the moment which might be because I'm still recovering from by long run on Friday, football on Sunday and an hour on the cross trainer last night.  So, for the rest of this week I'm going to take it easy and rest up in preparation for the 10m race on Sunday.

Well done to Norwich last night for a great win away at Walsall coming back from 1-0 down to win 2-1, with the added bonus that Dirty Leeds lost 3-0 at in form Swindon.   I've got a pass for Saturday and am looking forward to a visit to Carra Rud.   My prediction is that by 5 o'clock we will be 6 points clear of Dirty Leeds as they have a tough game against Colchester and then it will be a straight race to the finish.

Sunday 24 January 2010

93 Days To Go - What Was I Thinking, Stupid Boy

Date & Time : 22/01/10 19:30
Distance : 14 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 320.5 miles
Route & Stats : Inner Ring Road, Out To UEA, Bluebell Road, Zigzag Back

Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow....this one really hurt.  First 11 miles went well, then boom, the wheels came off.   No energy, legs like lead, calves on fire, ankles raw.   It was also pouring with rain and I was soaked through.   What this proves more than anything is that I must prepare better for my long runs and nipping out on a Friday night having not eaten for several hours is not going to work.

My friend Matt had kindly given me a 'Go Gel' isotonic carbohydrate energy gel sachet to try out, which I stupidly forgot to take with me .... boy I could have really done with that as I turned to go out on Newmarket Road.

That all said, I could have shortened my route and didn't, and I did complete 14 miles, even though the last couple were a combination of jogging, stretching, cursing and walking.   The other quite pleasing thing is that my recovery period from these long runs is good and after 1 day of rest I'm ready to go again.

Anyway lesson learnt, and I am already looking to the next long(ish) one, which will be the Reedham 10m race next Sunday.   After that I plan to push on with my target of 18 miles by the end of February .... gulp.

Wednesday 20 January 2010

95 Days To Go - That's The Way To Do It

Date & Time : 20/01/10 19:30
Distance : 5.5 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 306.5 miles
Route & Stats : Inner Ring Road

Just a quick canter round the Inner Ring Road at a consistent 8.5 mins per mile.  Felt good all the way and this was probably my best run this year so far.

This sets me up nicely for my long run this weekend, which might have to be on Friday night due to other commitments at the weekend, but that's OK, I quite like night running, it seems to suit me.  Hoping to do 14 miles.

The other thing I need to sort out is another pair of trainers as I will have worn out my current pair by the time I get to the marathon and therefore need to break in a new pair in plenty of time.  They, the experts that is, reckon you should change your shoes every 500 miles, which is moreorless where I think I will be by the time the big day comes around.

98 Days To Go - Thankyou Waitrose

Date & Time : 17/01/10 10:00
Distance : 12.5 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 301 miles
Route & Stats : Colney Lane & Back

That's the 300 hundred miles up, and through the 100 days to go barrier.  Seems like I'm marking off some sort of milestone every week at the moment.  My first post back in September was called 208 Days To Go, which means I am more than half way through my training programme, which is a very scary thought.   That said, having reflected on what I used to be able to achieve then compared to now, the progression is very encouraging.  I struggled to get round 4 miles at 11 mins per mile then and now I have completed a half marathon at 9 mins per mile and can get round 6 miles at 8.5 min miles without too much trouble.

I was pleased with this run, although it was fairly slow, it was a good marker to lay down.  Physically it was OK, although I did start to cramp in my right calf a little bit in the last couple of miles, but considering I had run 7.5 miles a couple of days earlier then it wasn't unexpected.

The only other issue I had was solved by an emergency stop at Waitrose.  I think I owe them a big shop for dive bombing cubical two in the mens toilet, however my need was great and my options were limited.

Friday 15 January 2010

100 Days To Go - Darts Is A Sport

Date & Time : 15/01/09 20:00
Distance : 7.5 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 288.5 miles
Route & Stats: Brackendale, Carrow Road, Riverside Road, Barrack Street, Grapes Hill (ouchy), Unthank Road, Newmarket Road, Home

Onnnnne Hundrrrrrrrrrrrrred days to go.  I think I've been watching too much darts recently, and yes, it is a sport in case you're wondering.  Really positive run tonight, 7.5 miles at less than 9 mins per mile, and still felt strong at the end, with no aches or pains.  I will be through the 300 mile barrier by the end of the weekend if all goes well.

I am definitely getting addicted to this training lark, and am becoming a bit of a running geek, really looking forward to my next race which is the Reedham 10m at the end of the month.  I will be setting myself a target of finishing in less than 90 mins, which should be achievable and is 1 min per mile less than my current planned marathon pace.

Wednesday 13 January 2010

102 Days To Go - Treadmill Hell

Date & Time : 13/01/10 19:30
Distance : 7 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 281 miles
Route : Harpers Gym Treadmill

The weather continues to disrupt my training plans, so it was the gym again for me tonight.  7 miles on the treadmill at 8min 45secs per mile is pretty good for me and was a good workout leaving me sweating like Jill Dando trying to get her front door key in.

The weather has also meant this weekends training camp that I mentioned in my last post has been rescheduled until 30/01, which is disappointing but gives me the opportunity to go out and get another long run in, I'll be aiming at 12 miles.

I've entered a couple races this week.  The Reedham 10m on 31/01 and the Wymondham 20m on 07/03.  The Reedham 10m will be fun and I am looking forward to it, the Wymondham 20m scares the hell out of me, but it has to be done.  If I can get 20miles in 7 weeks ahead of the marathon it will be a good place to be.

Monday 11 January 2010

106 Days To Go

Date & Time : 09/01/10 14:30
Distance : 9.5 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 274 miles
Route & Stats: Whittlingham Hall, Big Broad, Whittlingham Lane, Past The Sewage Works (yuck), Kirby Road, Whittlingham Hall, Whittlingham Lane, Home

Another decent run under my belt. I decided that inspite of the weather I would just get out there and get the job done.  For most of the run I was running on compacted snow which was quite tricky and hard work.  The Big Broad looked amazing though and was virtually frozen solid.  The air was fresh, however the wind was sharp and in the exposed areas, particularly up by the sewage works it took my breath away.

One thing I have really come to enjoy is listening to Norwich games on Radio Norfolk while running, and this was no expection, with Norwich cruising to a 3-1 victory over Exeter.  In fact I think this was far more preferable that actually being at the game and freezing my arse off, as my mum, sister and her family will tell you.

Need to start increasing the distances of my long runs from here onwards and I am really looking forward to the training camp this weekend at Dorney Lake with Liz and Martin Yelling, that Virgin Money has organised for the Virgin 500 team which is 500 runners made of staff, customers, competition winners and other Virgin group employees.

Friday 8 January 2010

109 Days To Go

Date & Time : 06/01/10 20:00
Distance : 6 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 263.5 miles
Route : Harpers Gym Treadmill

So I finally conceded to the weather and re-joined the gym that I left last year and spent a fairly tedious hour on a treadmill watching darts while listening to the iPod on my iPhone.   It was a decent workout and afterwards I was sweating like a nun in a cucumber field.

It made me think about the technology that I am using to help me with my training that wouldn't have been available a few years ago.  So here we go, here are my favourites ...

Garmin Forerunner 205

iPhone 3GS

Saucony ProGrid Trimuph 6

Under Armour HeatGear

Nike Running Gloves and Hat

So with snow all around and the temperatures well below zero I am now going to spend an hour on my ....

Horizon Andes 007 Cross Trainer

while watching a DVD played through my ....

Xbox 360

on my ....

LG Flatron HDTV

Technology, you can't beat it, it's the future!

Saturday 2 January 2010

113 Days To Go

Date & Time : 02/01/10 15:00
Distance : 9.5 miles
Total Training Distance (since beginning Sept 09) : 257.5 miles
Route & Stats : Brackendale, Queens Road, Earlham Road, Bluebell Road, Marston Lane, Hall Road, Ring Road, Home

Enjoyed this one, nice steady pace, good distance, cold but bearable weather. My hamstrings were a bit sore from DIY on Thursday, but once I got going they loosened up and and weren't an issue.

Yes I did say DIY, I was replacing some cracked and loose tiles on my kitchen floor and all the bending up and down, crouching etc really took it's toll on my hamstrings. I should have remembered to warm up as the same thing happened when I laminated the floor in my study.

As I predicted a week ago, Norwich have finished the holiday period in 2nd place, after beating Wycombe 1-0 today. I was listening to the game as I ran and it sounds like we absolutely battered them and it was a great relief when we eventually scored on 77 minutes. I was on the Ring Road by then and must have looked a bit odd as I was punching the air and jumping up and down all on my and in full view of the traffic.

Happy New Year to anyone who happens to read this drivel :)